Yep, you’re right LARunner — it looks like Apple has decided to remove that feature from the Spotlight search field! Since I use (or rather used) it all the time, I noticed this troubling omission shortly after my upgrade to iOS 11.
I was so happy when Apple added the folder name to the Spotlight search. It was amazing how helpful simply showing the name of the folder where an app lives could be when you’re trying to organize and keep track of all those apps that you’ve paid good money for.
This “design change“ seriously hampers your ability to make use of apps on iOS devices -- You can’t use an app that you know you have but can’t find. Apple charges us so much money for these devices and we pay for all these apps just so that we can’t find them? Why would Apple do that?

Apple used to be a company that improved and added new features to their operating system, not one that removed them (Can you say Microsoft?).
It’s a shame that Android devices aren’t better quality because their operating system allows you to really customize and organize all your apps in whatever way you see fit.
Maybe more people should take another look at Android phones and tablets. They may not be “magical”, but they work.
A little more food for thought: it’s always seemed like there are specific design features of iOS that can only have the effect of making people buy more and more apps.
For instance, Apple’s lack of allowing us to create nested folders in iOS is their way of tricking us into buying more apps. (If you’re not able to categorize your apps by nesting folders, you can’t organize. If you can’t organize, you end up grouping all of your app icons into big, multi-page folders and forget what you have so you just end up buying more.)