LMHMD wrote:
ralphmcgraw, here's an example: Create a cell (say Q3) that is an "annualized percentage increase" - calculated from 3 other cells: IF(P3≠0,365÷(DATEDIF(C3,WORKDAY(J3,3),"D"))×P3,"")
1. P3 is a dollar amount
2. C3 is a a start date
3. J3 is an end date
If P3 is formatted as currency, one cannot format Q3 as a percentage. If, however, P3 is formatted as a percentage, Q3 can be formatted as a percentage or as currency.
Here are the results of that formula, placed in a Numbers 5.6.2 table, where the result in Q3 can be formatted as a percentage:
Example 1: Q3 format is "Automatic". Numbers chooses the Currency format used in P3:
Example 2: Same data and formula. Q3 formatted as "Percentage" with decimal places set to 0.
Is 197,297% the Annual Percentage Increase you would expect from these figures?
If so, what does the number in P3 represent? What is the base value from which the 'increase' is measured? Or, in other words, "this figure is the 'Annual Percntage Increase' from what?"
The number in Q5 is the number of days in the period from January 1 to the third work day after July 1 in 2017, using the default 'non-working' days defined as part of the function. DATEDIF returns a number, so this value is a number, not a duration.
That result is calculated by this part of your formula:
The number in Q7 is the result of dividing 365 by the result in Q5. As the number of working days (as determine by the WORKDAYS() function) will be less that the number of days in any portion of a year, up to the third working day before the end of a full year, this result will almost always be greater than 1. This result is calculated by this part of your formula:
Clariification, Please.