Step counter very inaccurate
Anyone else found this?
Hubby bought me an Apple Watch series 3 last week.
I’ve been a Fitbit wearer for last couple of years. Am finding step and flights of stairs counter very inaccurate on the Apple Watch.
For example, during my typical work days, i clock up around 18,000-20,000 steps. Apple Watch showing at least 3,000 less.
I’ve even worn both Fitbit and Apple Watch on same arm at same time for a walk around the block, counting the steps in my head too - fitbit spot on, Apple Watch missing lots of steps.
For the cost of the Apple Watch, I’m so disappointed - I’m missing my Fitbit!
Have worn the Apple Watch all day today and it’s registered that I’ve climbed 15 flights of stairs.
Health app on phone has registered 16 floors, despite phone sitting on my desk most of the day!
Something’s not working right! I feel that the Apple Watch has been a total waste of money!!