Goodbye Apple
Dear Apple,
I have long been an Apple supporter. Advocating to the organizations that I have worked for to buy Apple products. I currently own nine Apple devices and have owned many more over the years. The main selling point to me was the ease of use and knowing Apple was overseeing the Apps and software that I would install. Having a background in computer programming, 3D animation, and video production made using Apple difficult because of the limited software that would work with the Mac OS, but it was worth it for the convenience and easy user interface.
I currently work for one of the largest organizations in the world, which prefers using the windows operating system. I’m not authorized to disclose what this organization is or am I able to speak for this organization. However, over the past few years it has become even more difficult to defend my reasons for this organization to continue to buy Apple products. I myself find it difficult to justify the additional cost of an Apple product.
Over the last few years Apple has alienated the video and graphic design world and now has begun to do the same with it’s public consumers by limiting what they can do with Apps, iTunes, etc. I have loved using Apple for so long that it is difficult for me to say I no longer do, because Apple OS has changed from an easy to use software to a system that limits its users.
Therefore I will no longer be advocating for Apple products at work or for my personal use. Frankly it’s not me, it you –Apple, who has changed for the worse. I wish you best of luck in the future and if you ever do become the Apple I have loved for the past 27 years, please let me know. The only difficult part of this break up is that changing so many devices to another OS may take awhile. It also means it may be a long time before you get my money, respect, or advocacy again.
Good-bye Apple.
MacBook Pro, iOS 6.1.4