Removing books from iBooks in the cloud
How do you remove books from your iBooks library from the cloud and on all devices, permanently?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 11.1
How do you remove books from your iBooks library from the cloud and on all devices, permanently?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 11.1
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
The resources below will explain how to delete an iBook from your devices. I've highlighted some key information here for you. Click on the link for complete details.
Get started with iBooks
Delete books and audiobooks
If you want to delete a book or audiobook, open iBooks on your iOS device, then tap Select. Scroll to find the item that you want to delete, then tap it. Choose Delete, then tap one of the options:
- Tap Remove Download to delete it only from your device.
- Tap Delete Everywhere to delete the item from iCloud and automatically remove it from all of your other devices.
You can't delete purchases made from the iBooks Store, but you can hide them: Here's how:
Hide and unhide iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store purchases
You can hide and unhide books in iBooks on a Mac.
To hide books on a PC, use iTunes for Windows.Hide books
- Open iBooks, then click iBooks Store.
- Under Quick Links on the right side of the iBooks Store, click Purchased.
- If prompted, sign in with your Apple ID and password.
- Scroll to find the item that you want to hide. You might need to click All to see all of your purchases. Hold your pointer over the item and look for the X icon
in the upper-left corner. Click the
The first time you hide a purchase, you're asked to confirm that you want to hide. You might not see this message the next time that you hide a purchase.
Take care.
Removing books from iBooks in the cloud