You have two choices, get it repaired or not. You appear to not be happy with the get it repaired option. There is no conspiracy to use defective parts in order to increase profits as you insinuate.
Given your level of reluctance to spend the time to get the computer fixed I can only guess that your time is worth more than the effort it will take you to get the repair done. If this is the case maybe you should get a second computer so that your time is not disrupted when repairs are needed. Parts break, it does not matter how much you paid for the item.
My expensive boat in your example may have a component fail prematurely and yes I would not be happy. But I would be thankful that it could be repaired. New cars break or get recalled for component failures. It happens.
Get your computer repaired or don't and use it as is. Complaining here about a conspiracy is not helping you get satisfaction. You could provide feedback to Apple if you are not happy with the product: Product Feedback - Apple