How to retrieve disappeared favorites from iPad?
I opened a new tab on my iPad in safari and only a blank screen was seen. The tab said Untitled. I pressed on the bookmark and there was nothing in favorites or history. Normally my list of favorites appears and the tab says Favorites. I don’t understand what happened. I tried turning off the iPad, performing a hard reset with the on/off button and home button. Nothing changed. I also clicked on the home button twice to pull up the apps. Slid the pages to get safari then swiped up the page to remove it. Clicked the home button and the safari app to reboot. Nothing happened. In iCloud I performed a function which allowed me to keep “favorites” when I switched tab back off. Now the favorites show only apple and search engines for bing, google, and yahoo. I don’t know what to do. Are they lost forever? I need help please to retrieve my original favorites! Thanks!