how can I add ringtones to an IPhone SE from Zedge ringtones from the iTunes app on a desktop?
how can I add ringtones to an IPhone SE from Zedge ringtones from the iTunes app on a desktop?
If you have iTunes 12.7 installed you can drag-and-drop them from your computer onto the phone device in iTunes to install them on it. If you have iTunes 12.6 or earlier add them to your computer's iTunes library and select and sync them on the phone's Tones tab in iTunes
This doesn't work on my iPhone SE. I have iTunes 12.7 installed and although the tone appears in Sounds on the phone and plays when I click on it, it doesn't play when someone phones me. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried deleting it in iTunes then 'drag and dropped' it but all to no avail.
See Create and manage ringtones in iTunes. I found I need to remove and then replace my custom tones before they would work properly.
Have you tried rebooting the phone ? You could also try re-posting in the Using iPhone forum on here and seeing if anyone there has any ideas
Thank you for your help. I have rebooted the phone with no success but will try again and reboot before I restore the ringtone. I'll also try the other forum.
Many thanks for the suggestion. I can't believe that something previously so simple has turned into my nightmare. Still worse things are happening in the world.
You're welcome. 🙂