AppleScript, Preview, and PDF Page access
Writing an AppleScript for Preview to be used with a PDF, how does one access a particular page (identified by serial page number) or get each page by iterating through its pages? I could not find anything either in AppleScript's online manual or Preview's AppleScript dictionary. Nor could I find any meaningful Preview example scripts. (It is possible to do so in both PDFPen and Skim.)
However, I think there must be a way to do what I am trying to because AppleScript's concept is that everything from a single character in one document all the way up to the hard drive is an object, and that each and every object falls within a hierarchy of objects. Therefore, a PDF's page is an object that falls between, I suppose, some component of the page (paragraph?) and the PDF file, and, therefore, it has to be accessible.(?)
MacBook Air, macOS Sierra (10.12.6)