forbidden cydia:// scheme on an App Store app
Hi all,
I have a test in my app (security app) for jailbroken devices.
One of the tests is using canOpenUrl with the cydia:// scheme in order to check if cydia is installed on the device.
But, It seems that there are app store apps linked to this cydia scheme.
Is it possible? Is Apple letting this thing to happen? Its causing an unpleasant situation where my customers can't use the app because it states the phone is jailbroken, but its not.
For example, I downloaded "InstantTV" app from the app store, went to safari and entered "cydia://" and it asked me if I want to open InstantTV app, what means they enter cydia as a scheme in their target's URL Types. My app also state my phone is jailbroken due to this app.
Any enlightenment will be appreciated.