Unable to create a new Apple ID
I am attempting to create a new Apple ID, so that I can create a developer account and get an APNS certificate for my companies MDM solution.
When I try to register my work email address, I am prompted to compete the email verification step, but when I enter the code I just get 'An unknown error has occurred'. If I inspect the browser console, I can see the following HTTP 400 response from appleid.apple.com/account
"service_errors" : [ {
"code" : "-34607001",
"title" : "Could Not Create Account",
"message" : "An unknown error has occurred."
} ],
"hasError" : true
Suggestions welcome. Annoyingly, I did see a colleague successfully complete Apple ID Registration on their new phone about 4 hours ago... I've been trying for about an hour so far, no luck.