Apple terms and conditions this what do you have to go through..I dont think the recipt will be so importaint because you have a specific serial code so As you go to an Apple Store ...they will use only that code to identify the item uniquely and help with your warranty.
Hello. I bought an iPhone 8 in NYC and the seller offered to me send the receipt by e-mail. But i never received it...and i Will need it in case of guarantee! Please can you send it? Thank you for your help. Reggards!
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Apple terms and conditions this what do you have to go through..I dont think the recipt will be so importaint because you have a specific serial code so As you go to an Apple Store ...they will use only that code to identify the item uniquely and help with your warranty.
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guillerminafranchi wrote:
the seller offered to me send the receipt by e-mail.... Please can you send it?
I cannot send it. I have no idea who you are or where you purchased this iPhone. Ask the seller for the receipt.
I hope you did not buy this iPhone for use outside the USA. If you did, you will find that Apple will be unable to service this iPhone in a different country, and any warranty for the iPhone cannot be honored.
This is a user forum, best you contact them in NYC.
Thank you.
About my buy receipt