Is it normal for my Mac to get hot while playing games?
I like to play games on my relatively new MacBook Air such as the Sims 4.
When I play it for around 20-30 minutes, it'll start to get hot in the top left corner of my laptop keyboard, and the keyboard will start and it'll go for a few minutes, the computer will cool down and it'll stop for a bit depending on what I'm playing and/or doing in the game.
The battery also goes down relatively quick.
I mostly play it sitting at my desk because I know I shouldn't play it on a soft surface.
Is it safe for my to be playing this on my Mac? Is there any signs that might mean it's defective or broken? Is there any way I can prevent this?
Is it just the MacBook Pro, or does the MacBook Air also shut down when it reaches a temperature that's unsafe?
Please help, super worried!
MacBook Air, iOS 11.2.6, 2017 MacBook Air