Format Time Capsule Hard drive
Hi, I have a Pizza Box Time Capsule (TC) A1409 2TB
It was working fine then went a bit wonky on me, not sure why but anyway... When I plug it in it displays a green light and then It displays the Amber light - Always on.
I cannot reset it, soft or hard, even when I pull the power plug, press the reset button and then plug the power plug back in it still will not reset.
On my router the ethernet cable light that goes from my router to the TC doesn't light up, indicating no signal from the TC as far as I can tell.
I removed the Hard drive and it tested fine and I could see the folders like Data.
Because I cannot access the TC from Airport utility I cannot format it, so my question is can I format it externally and then put it back in and the TC will see it?
If yes, would the formatting be Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)?
iMac, macOS Sierra (10.12), Mid 2011