When you have a card on an account it has to be a valid card and pass the iTunes validation, that applies to whatever you are trying to download. Either replace it with a valid card, or try just logging into the account (not when trying to download something) and see if you can remove it : Change or remove your Apple ID payment information in the iTunes Store - Apple Support
I’m having issues with my iTunes account ! When I go into the App Store to download a free game it keeps asking me to update my billing info ? It’s free !!! I don’t need to update my billing info but I do anyway and it’s say error or the information was incorrect and I can’t even update my apps as it asks for the same thing ! I currently have 16 updates but can’t do them bc of this stuff up ? Any help would be appreciated ! I have attached a pic of what it asks of me to do
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My card is very much valid , I tried removing my card on my Apple account and it wouldn’t save it so it’s stil not working :/ I also tried removing it in my phone settings (change payment info ) no luck
The card may be valid elsewhere, that doesn’t mean that it will work with iTunes, different sites/stores can have different validation rules. If you aren’t getting the ‘none‘ option when trying to remove the card do any of those scenarios apply ?
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Apple account / iTunes