After I did this, Apple managed to restore all of the photos to my iPad. Thanks a lot. Sync is turned off. Why did that happen?
This really *****. I have two iPads that are practically disabled because they are full and I can't do anything about it.
Here's the thing: I thought I'd buy an Apple cloud space subscription to back up my photos. I did not realize at the time that Apple would then download copies of the photos to my iPads. Even at reduced resolution, my 20+ years of photos are now forced onto my iPads and I can't delete them all.
The only available method is to manually select each cluster of photos in the Photos app. Each cluster represents one date. I have 20+ years of photos. That means there are roughly 7300 "clusers" of photos that you I to manually select. Do the math and you're looking at about 6 hours to delete everything by using that method.
I will cancel my subscription for the cloud space. I hope that will cause Apple to delete whatever store they are using to sync the photos to my devices.
What a ******* way to do business, Apple. This is the sort of garbage arrogance that causes people to despise Apple. Microsoft would not pull this sort of crap.