Mm, I know, but iPhone is not only a phone and iPad is not only a pad haha
Since iPad are changing to a small laptop, with apple works and office and keyboard . If we can add browser and office software , with keyboard and pointing device, Apple TV maybe a suitable small desktop for replace Mac mini in most circumstances !
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Mm, I know, but iPhone is not only a phone and iPad is not only a pad haha
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Apparently not, both of those are mobile computing devices. The Apple TV is simply a means to stream media to a connected TV. It can be used to mirror a computer and stream presentations but it is never going to be a stand alone computing device nor is it meant to be. The Mac mini is already their small desktop solution.
you can suggest apple transform their appletv into a arm based mac mini by using their feedback channel
they will not read your post here looking for advice
Apple TV is a media streaming device that connects to a TV, it is not a computer.
turning apple tv as desktop