Remove the Hip Hop/Rap Genre from Apple Music
I never ever listen to Hip Hop/Rap (HHR), anyways I get a lot of suggestions from AM to listen to just that.
Listening to Beats 1, there's a lot of HHR, in those cases I go to that song and check "Don't like". I have done it on quite many HHR songs at the moment.
It STILL bugs me with that ****! Look at the attachment; I don't want to see the effing HIP HOP Radio station as my first suggestion. Please remove it from my account/computer/screen/life! – I don't want to see any HHR music what so ever! (I realize it's hard to avoid on Beats 1, but that's another story).
So, the question is:
Is there a way to remove the genre Hip Hop/Rap from my exerience with Apple Music?