Why can't I text my email address?
When i try to text my e-mail address it shows up blue and just sends the text right back to me.
It happened all of a sudden, did something change?
When i try to text my e-mail address it shows up blue and just sends the text right back to me.
It happened all of a sudden, did something change?
But I'm not getting the e-mail. Just the text.
But I'm not getting the e-mail. Just the text.
Thanks Winston, I appreciate your help. But I've texted my Apple ID Email address previously.
It worked on May 10th, then on May 12th it didn't work. My imessaging was always on. It's like all of a sudden my phone decided to turn my Apple ID Email address to blue (when it was always green) and now I can't send texts to my e-mail inbox.
If a message is blue it is because it is sent via Apples system to another recipient with an iCloud account or iPhone, if it is green it's because it is sent via the telephone system, this is usually because the recipient hasn't got an Apple Device or isn't using an iCloud address, however it can occur when the recipient has an iPhone or an iCloud account but isn't able to receive messages via the iMessage system.
It maybe that your messages were green for the later reason, however you need to understand that if you are now seeing your messages in blue that it's working properly but it wasn't working properly previously.
If you text your email address you are texting yourself which is why you are both sending and receiving your texts.
yes that correct. i can e-mail other e-mail addresses and they're green and go through fine. but my email address turns blue and sends it back to me via text only, and doesn't send the email.
It's blue because it's an iCloud account.
iMessages (the app) doesn't send emails it only sends texts.
You can send texts to phone numbers or Apple ID's.
Why can't I text my email address?