iOS 11.4 battery drain
[Re-Titled by Host]
[Re-Titled by Host]
I see that the battery life of your iPhone 6 seems to have shortened, and I'm happy to help.
iPhone Battery and Performance -- This article provides information about the battery, how to maximize the performance, and introduces Battery Health (Beta) which can also help.
iPhone Service Pricing -- If your battery needs to be replaced, this is the pricing for the United States. Just scroll down to the heading "Battery service - United States". If you're in a different region/country, scroll to the bottom of this article, click the country listed in the lower-right corner, then select yours.
Take care!
If you actually bother to read the manual (I know, no one has for umpteen years) the Control Center disconnects from the current network, but leaves Wi-Fi on. This is actually a very valuable feature. It will connect to other networks, but not the one it had been disconnected from until 5 AM the next day, or until you go out of range of this network, then return to it. But have no fear; there are still FOUR ways to turn off Wi-Fi and have it stay off:
It has worked this way for almost a year; I'm surprised so many people don't know about this feature. For more information, see:
I have the same issue with my 6S+. It was fine before the update. And my battery health is at 90% yet I just watched my battery % drop from 50% to 20% in a matter of minutes while not using it. I’ve looked through all the settings and can’t see anything I’ve previously had turned off turn back on with this new update in regards to saving battery life. Whatever it is that’s causing it they need to fix it ASAP
My iphone 6s has the same issue after updated to ios 11.4. I charged it up to 100%, rebooted it then let it stand by for 4 hours, the battery indicator dropped to 40%. It has been 3 days since I updated to ios 11.4 and this issue happened every day. Also it seems the battery drained fast when my iphone connected to wifi. When there was no wifi connection, the battery draining seems slower or normal.
Had the battery drain issue with my iPhone SE, but I later realised that the location services and background refresh were the main reason for this whole problem. Try switching location services to be used only when the app is used and switch off background app refresh for the apps which you don't need all the time.
Iphone 6s (BH: 95%) and Ipad Mini 4 (BH:96%)
Both units show since days the same annoying battery drain (60% overnight). Also a clean install with 11.4 on the phone didn't improve the situation. Yesterday I downgraded to 11.3.1 on the iPhone and everything's back to normal again. Overnight (~ 7h) the energy loss was only 1%. I'll keep the Ipad running for 2 more days to verify the behaviour.
same here.
iPhone 6s, being able to run a full day on a 100% charge.
After 11.4 update, on a 100% charge phone is empty, even during the night when not used actively!
Have restarted my phone several times, gracefully and hard, without any result.
Again, on 11.3.1 all was fine!
Battery condition is 83%, which looks ok.
Location services have been drilled down to the bare minimum, similar to background sync.
In my case Mail has used 53% of the battery in the last 24 hours.
I tried to find the push interval setting, but that seems to have disappeared?
I hope this is a bug which can be fixed with 11.4.1...
Same here. I'm very strict when comes to services enabled on my iPhone 6s so the battery usually lasts for over 24h if I don't use Maps. After the upgrade to 11.4 I have 2% of my battery after 11 hours. It now lasts less than half of the original time it did before the upgrade.
Same for my iPhone SE 16Gb! I’m litteraly can feel how it loses its energy.
From 100% during the night it drains down to 54%, which is insane!
This started when I’m istalled iOS 11.4 and turned on iMessage to iCloud.
Here are the results of my tests :
- iOS 11.4 with WiFi off : lost 1% / hour
- iOS 11.4 with WiFi on and a 5Ghz network : lost 12% / hour
- iOS 11.4 with WiFi on and a 2.4Ghz network : lost 1% / hour
In standby mode and no app opened.
hi all pl see the photos i hv uploaded my iphone SE FROM 9.30 pm to 6.30 Am in st
andby mode . the battery drained from 99 percent to 75 percent!!!! the other 2 photos from my iphone 5 with a GradeA generic battery in standby mode for the same timings . it drained from 62% to only 59%!!!! Sleeping ios 11.4. engineers will they ever wake up .
I totally agree that trying Beta 12.0 is risky, but it was one I was willing to take and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is uncomfortable with it. I was having to recharge my iPhone 6s three times a day, and had to leave it plugged in all night or wake up to a stone cold dead device. My wife's SE was having similar issues, but when I described them to the Apple Store tech he thought her issue might be a bad battery, so we're taking it in today to see what's up with that.
Since fully charging my 6s last night and leaving it unplugged all night, I've dropped from 100% to 77% in just a little over 12 hours. So it looks like I'm back to normal. So far I haven't encountered a single issue with Beta 12.0 knock on wood.
iOS 11.4 battery drain