Block artists in Apple Music
Does anyone know how to block certain artists in Apple music? I keep seeing artists that I have no interest in listening to but they keep showing up. Please help.
Does anyone know how to block certain artists in Apple music? I keep seeing artists that I have no interest in listening to but they keep showing up. Please help.
I've used Apple Music for several years now and this is by far one of the most annoying features. I have repeatedly disliked and skipped songs and artists yet they keep showing up on almost every playlist I open. What's even crazier is that these artists and songs show up on the "for you" section.
Honestly, this is pretty lame. I would expect more from Apple.
I've used Apple Music for several years now and this is by far one of the most annoying features. I have repeatedly disliked and skipped songs and artists yet they keep showing up on almost every playlist I open. What's even crazier is that these artists and songs show up on the "for you" section.
Honestly, this is pretty lame. I would expect more from Apple.
I went back to Spotify. Their weekly recommendations and personalized playlists are far better than anything Apple Music ever offered.
This answer does not address OP's question. The real answer is a resounding NO. Furthermore, disliking a song doesn't prevent it playing either. I have 'disliked' content and it still plays without fail automatically. Pretty frustrating on a paid service to not be able to block specific content all together.
I agree with everyone on this thread. Apple didn't answer this question they skirted to the side. I too want to block artists I find offensive and disliking doesn't work. A full block on an artists name would. Maybe google play will start to sound better to us, super easy to just stop using iTunes with all the other contenders out there.
Block artists in Apple Music