MAC address changing on new 2018 MBP broken
Hey guys,
Anyone here with one of the new 2018 MBPs able to chime in? ‘sudo ifconfig en0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’ in particular seems to be broken only on the 2018 MBPs…
I am able to change (until next restart) my MAC address using the below commands in terminal with wifi disconnected on my older MBP. Unfortunately, using the same commands in terminal on my new 2018 13” MBP (10.13.6) does nothing to change my MAC address.
Checking 'ifconfig en0 | grep ether’ shows that the MAC address has not changed. How can I spoof my MAC address on my new laptop? Thank you!
Terminal commands used:
ifconfig en0 | grep ether
openssl rand -hex 6 | sed ‘s/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//’
sudo ifconfig en0 ether f8:1e:df:d8:9d:8a
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, 4 TBT3), macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)