My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
You don't. You connect your phone to iTunes on your computer, and follow these instructions-->If you forgot the passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple Support
iPhone 6
Try reading the thread for you answer.
I phone disabled says to connect to iTunes what do I do
Did you try to read this thread to find your answer?
The fact that you then posted the exact same question that's already been answered here dozens of times proves that to be a false statement.
Then you know what to do.
im just tryin to fix my old iphone so i can use it
Have you considered actually trying read anything in this now 27 page long thread?
Im trying to read the help people arre offering and i cant see any acct is disabled and i need to fix it so my son can call me
im trying to connect my phone to a new phone but the iPhone saids its disabled connect to iTunes
I need help
Try reading the vast majority of responses on this thread which tell you exactly what to do.
You just replied to a post made 18 months ago, that has almost 400 replies. Most of those replies answer the original question. So just read the Apple Recommended post near the top of each page.
help my daughters iphone says disabled connet to itunes
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?