I’m not being notified for text messages other than the sound that plays when I’m texting with my messages open, when I close my messages, i get no text tone or push notifications
Why will my phone not notify me for text messages
Why will my phone not notify me for text messages
I’m having the exact same issue and has been ever since I updated my phone to iOS 11. I have checked my notification settings, logged out of imessenger and back in, and have forced restart my phone. Most of the time I have to close out of the app to get notified but when I come back my messages are out of order. Sometimes my phone doesn’t notify me at all of a text, and I won’t know unless I go and look through my texts if I got anything. Most of my friends are experiencing the exact same issue.
I’m having the exact same issue and has been ever since I updated my phone to iOS 11. I have checked my notification settings, logged out of imessenger and back in, and have forced restart my phone. Most of the time I have to close out of the app to get notified but when I come back my messages are out of order. Sometimes my phone doesn’t notify me at all of a text, and I won’t know unless I go and look through my texts if I got anything. Most of my friends are experiencing the exact same issue.
My first reply was cryptic. This failure to notify of messages started after updating to iOS 12. No settings have changed; all the notification settings are correct. The only time I hear message notifications is when I have the app open, If the phone is sleeping, no notifications appear. I know others with the problem. Trying to get them to report it, as of now the problem is being ignored, and it's a serious problem.
Same here ... and this also applies to email. Both my wife and I have this issue (on her 5s iPhone and iPad (6th gen) and on my 7 iPhone and iPad (5th gen) ... only hear the notification (and the red number indicator on the email or message icon) after we open our mailboxes or text messaging ... this only happened after the upgrade to ios 12 on all these devices. All settings look fine, even reviewed Fetch and Push ... but everything is enabled and looks fine. Something is wrong. Need a fix to ios 12.
Have you looked in the notification settings?
Settings> Notifications> Messages> turn everything on and see how that is!
Just ran into this issue today on my iPhone Xs.
I fixed the problem, but unfortunately mixed solutions so I don't know which fixed it.
I suspect that the network settings reset is what did it since others have reported such, but I just wanted to put this out there in case it helps someone else.
The problem started at some point this morning. The only events of note that I recall were:
a) using VPN to troubleshoot a network issue at work.
b) Installing the MS Teams app and allowing notifications and mic access.
Hi Brandon
Thanks for your input .... can you please tell me:
I am so scared to mess with this phone now in case something else goes wrong 😥
Same here for me. Started since the iOS 12 update. I’ve tested it on 2 other 6S and they show the same behaviour.
When the iPhone is locked no Text Message Notifications comming thru. Even a fresh and clean install doesn’t change this. Tried different providers – same. Downgrade to iOS 11 is the only option that works.
Tried this on a iPhone 8 with iOS 12 with no problems.
Thanks for this suggestion. I turned BT off and am now getting notifications as expected. Obviously this will be a problem when my Apple Watch gets here... hmmm.... Does anyone at Apple know about this?
Suddenly, 48 hours ago, several of my set tones for text messages for both individuals and the main notification were either changed or silenced. Moreover, even with them all reset, when a text message arrives, I hear the tone, but it does it appear on the dark screen, even with notifications for messages turn on and set to top banner.
I had not made any of the changes that occurred on Tuesday.
So far, these have been the only problems, but they are annoying and time-consuming.
My phone is silent most of the time so when I look at the screen, I look at the message icon to see if I have any messages. As of today, no indicator of messages, but when I open the app, I have several unread text messages. Not good.
This is/was the exact same problem I had that started last Tuesday, October 2nd. First, all my tones stopped, including selected tones for individual contacts, as well as the tone for text messages I received. After fiddling around with the settings, I was able to restore both the personal and text message tones, however I am still not receiving any text notifications when the phone is locked. And, with a two-year old 6S with only 86% battery capacity, I cannot keep my phone constantly unlocked in the hope of receiving an unsolicited text message.
I contacted Apple Support which was useless. The agent told me to do what I had already done and told him I had. I don't like the fact that I'm not the only one, but that infers that an unknown number of us are suddenly having similar problems.
I hope Apple with take note of this and do something about it!
Yes, and I'm still having the problem. I had hoped the upgrade to iOS 12.0.1 might address it, as it mentioned a Bluetooth problem being fixed (and for me, luckily, turning off Bluetooth restores the iMessage alert function) but the update did not address it.
I contacted Apple support a week or so ago and found the help to be ... of no help ... useless insistence on my doing what I had already done. I gave up on the rep.
There aren't a lot of new posters here, so I'm afraid the affected audience at this point is too small for Apple to care about.
I'm having the same issue, but not only with text messages. This started with the upgrade to iOS12. I haven't changed any notification settings, but I'm not getting notifications of new emails from my work account on my Apple watch and there's no sound notification on my iPhone SE when it's on a locked screen. This means I get no indication that I have a new work related email unless I wake my phone, which defeats the purpose of push notifications. Notification sounds only play when my phone is in wake mode. Seems clear we need another iOS fix to rectify this issue.
Just out of curiosity, did you upgrade to 12.0.1, which was release a day ago or so? It was supposed to have fixed problems with Bluetooth (and maybe Apple watch-related), which I suspect is the culprit behind all this mess. I don't have an Apple watch, so I can't tell if the 12.0.1 upgrade would have fixed anything. It didn't fix my problem: I still have to turn Bluetooth off to get any notifications, but with it off, they all work for me.
I did, and it's still an issue. I called Apple support and we changed a setting that seems to have fixed the issue for now. I have do not disturb scheduled for sleeping hours and in the DND settings, there's an option to silence notifications on lock screen. You can't turn that off without also turning off do not disturb, so we turned off do not disturb for now and I'll have to manually turn it on at night instead of relying on the scheduled option. That seems to let the notifications back through when my phone is in lock screen, at least in the test emails and texts I tried while on the phone with support. They indicated this is a trending issue and that they are alerting the engineers, so hopefully a bug fix will push out soon.
I’m not being notified for text messages other than the sound that plays when I’m texting with my messages open, when I close my messages, i get no text tone or push notifications