iPad calendar entry disappears after edit
I've been having a strange issue with future calendar entries disappearing for a while. I'm finally able to reproduce the problem. I have an IPad mini running 9.3.5 (newest version it supports). When I click on a link such as this one (http://events.wheatonlibrary.org/evanced/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=15508&rts=&dispt ype=&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&retu…) and select download to calendar it prompts me to add it to my calendar. After adding it, the entry appears on my calendar as expected. However, if I then go into calendar, tap on the event, edit, change the reminder alert time, and then tap done, the entry disappears from the calendar. i can reproduce this every time. One clue I noticed is that if I turn off Icloud syncing for the calendar before I add the entry the problem does not occur. Any idea what is going on? Thanks!
iPad Mini Wi-Fi, iOS 9.3.5