how to remove virus
My Mac Book is infected with virus. How can remove this virus?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Mac Book is infected with virus. How can remove this virus?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Here's how I solved it.
I'm not sure this will work for everyone, but it worked for me.
Good luck!
This is helpful but I can't seem to figure out how to change the command lines for the affected policies. I can see them but don't know what opening up the Terminals means. Can anyone advise? This is a very insipid virus and I have been working on it for hours to no avail. Very frustrating.
Thanks for that information, done it and it work, but just one thing, every once in a while it stills get reinstall again, even after the pop up window appears, I always say cancel to avoid install, but no matter what always gets installed, and have to use the commands you shared on the terminal, but the solution is just for a couple of days, since it reinstalls again and again, no matter what. Any help??
The terminal harkens back to the day before the graphical user interface. It is run from Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal on your hard disk.
A cursor follows a prompt at the end of the line, where you type everything you need in one line.
The prompt in this case is normally a $ sign.
If you receive a series of one line commands with multiple words and symbols, each individual command line separated by a line feed, needs to be entered followed by the enter key to take place.
Mac OS X at its backdrop is a mix of FreeBSD and NetBSD Unix, which Apple has modified to become the language of Darwin.
Unlike MS-DOS all the directory paths use the / slash between them.
Please start a new topic thread if you are running into trouble running the commands for this disinfectant series of commands.
1. Go to your system preferences (the settings of our MAC), and look for a profiles icon.
2. Click on there (since in a default mac that shouldn't be there).
3. Remove all of the Admin blocks found.
4. And boom, you have a chrome free of malware.
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Please use the manual instructions. Do not download anything.
Thank you a lot. You saved my day!
Thank you, thank you.
Spent almost 3 hours working on this tonight and then I found you.
Thank you.
is the tip I wrote to explain how to remove it and other viruses. It was mentioned earlier in the thread, and I am repeating it.
Janed0225, The thread has several solutions, though this user tip explains the vast majority of them.
This was posted earlier in the thread:
When you can't find an answer in a long thread, it is better to start a new thread to get your answer.
first link is dead..
works perfect
AWESOME ! Thank you SO much ! It worked smoothly.
how to remove virus