I can not move icons to bottom by clicking on giggling icon
I can not move icons to bottom of page by holding icon down til it giggles
iPad Air Wi-Fi
I can not move icons to bottom of page by holding icon down til it giggles
iPad Air Wi-Fi
Do they not move at all, do they snap back to where they were, or do they snap somewhere else?
Where are you trying to put them? Into the Dock, to the bottom of the apps on that home screen, to another home screen, or somewhere else?
If you are trying to drag them to a random blank space on the page, that won't work. The apps on a page (outside the Dock) will all cluster together; you can only change their order.
Is there empty space in the Dock ("bottom tray") to hold them? You may need to move some apps out of the Dock back to a home page.
Which part of the process fails? Getting the icons to jiggle, or dragging the icons after they start jiggling?
How does it fail? Remember, we cannot see your screen.
Icons giggle but icons will not move and stay in place
I am trying to put the four most used icons on the bottom tray. They snap back in place.
My icons don't giggle when I press and hold down on one of the icons
I can not move icons to bottom by clicking on giggling icon