It’s this type of dialogue that will help the folks who are reading this and troubleshooting this issue or, amongst us, come up with a work around. I will try to reply to the questions asked of me here.
The nature of this situation implies that Apple does not want this problem and that it’s a bug. If an end user is to change behaviors, Apple would have advertised what those changes should be. The fact that they did not implies that this is an unwanted behavior by Apple.
In my scenario, A and B live together. C is in college, but we communicate our various work around attempts via phone calls.
As far as deleting a years worth of history in an attempt to find a work around, it’s either that or do nothing and keep intra-family communication broken. Both options stink.
In my scenario, B established their own Apple ID. To the outside world, as far as email/voice/text communication goes, nothing needs to change on how the outside world communicates with B. No other identifying info on B changed. Further, the information in “contacts” on A and C’s phone on how to communicate with B shouldn’t have to change. In my case, A, B and C all have their own Gmail/Hotmail email IDs.
A work around that calls for unregistering a phone number then re-registering it is kind of “extreme”. I’m entertaining work arounds that we can implement on our own.
A couple of thoughts:
To me, the ultimate attempt at a work around is that A, B and C all obtain unique Apple IDs, turn off iMessage in messages, log out of their Apple ID in FaceTime, disallow iCloud text messaging, delete all texts previously involving A, B and C in any manner and retrying the test of sending one message per person, shutting down a phone and seeing if messages collapse together after booting up.
Also, the fact that this is taking so long to resolve, I’m thinking that in Apple land, the problem isn’t so much how to correct the software (... that’s seemingly as simple, on their end, to use the same iMessage threading protocol that they used in iOS 11.X...), but the cleanup of the damage done to the data as a result and the possible difficulty of identifying how to go through a bunch of messages that were unwantedly merged and having forensic data to determine, in my case, how to put B and C’s data back into their own buckets as opposed to their merged state.
Only Forbes has had coverage of this issue. The tech community and Larry Magit’s of the world need to shed light here to the public-at-large - TV ... Radio ... etc