Apple Music doesn't play explicit songs
I have the restrictions turned off completely, and yet Apple Music doesn't play songs with explicit content, doesn't let me add them to library etc. I have iOS12 installed recently.
iPhone 6, iOS 12
I have the restrictions turned off completely, and yet Apple Music doesn't play songs with explicit content, doesn't let me add them to library etc. I have iOS12 installed recently.
iPhone 6, iOS 12
Go to iTunes Store and try to buy any explicit song there. There will be a pop-up asking for your permission to play explicit songs. Hit "Allow" and cancel the purchase. Apple Music should play explicits now.
Go to iTunes Store and try to buy any explicit song there. There will be a pop-up asking for your permission to play explicit songs. Hit "Allow" and cancel the purchase. Apple Music should play explicits now.
Hi Ccmer,
My wife also have the exact same issue, but then she did these steps:
Hey, I just found out how to fix it. Go to iTunes Store, search for the same song and try to buy it. The pop up permitiom will appear. Apple Music will allow the songs right away.
Did as you advised, there was no notification. What else can I do?
I do those exact steps and this pops up
Go to iTunes Store -> Films -> pop-out а notification about permission to show an explicit content -> agree -> now you can listen explicit music
Content & Privacy Restrictions are turned on, Music is set to Explicit, but the problem persists. Browsing through this support community I see that there are other people having the same thing after updating to iOS12.
I think I accidentally found the solutions. I’m also on iOS 12.1, so here’s what I did:
There you go, I hope this will help you.
EddieGuedes: thank you! I’ve been searching since yesterday and going through iTunes Store solves it! 😃
Ok nothing from above helped but I found one more solution that worked for me:
I couldn’t make explicit available until I finished setting up new iPhone. Right after I finished Apple Pay and Siri it became available. I hope this helps
Yep,thats work! Thx a lot.
I go on my iphone to Films-store-search a song with E raiting and click buy- then i saw a pop-out notification about permission to show an explicit content - i agree and cancel buying. And then it works in apple music - i can download and listen raiting E content.
Apple....... 🙂
Okay I had the same problem but there is one solution that worked for me. It is you need to download iTunes on your PC (Windows/Mac) and have your iPhone connected to WiFi or through the Lightning Cable, then you can just go into Edit. There you will see a preference button. All you need to do is you can just simply go in the Restrictions Tab then you can just toggle allow explicit content to off for once, then it will ask for your permission. Simply toggle it to off and then just toggle it to on. It worked for me like a charm.
So I tried the iTunes work around and that didn't work for me. I even tried turning off all content restrictions and rebooting the phone. Still it didn't work. Then I just went to Settings -> Screen Time -> Content & Privacy Restrictions -> Content Restrictions -> Music, Content & News and switched the option to Clean then back to Explicit and I was able to play the explicit tracks.
Hope this helps anyone facing the same horrible bug.
Apple Music doesn't play explicit songs