my Apple account won’t take my debit card
Hello trying to download apps but my Apple account wont take my debit card
Hello trying to download apps but my Apple account wont take my debit card
If necessary, contact iTunes Support. Either use the form or scroll to the bottom of the page in the 2nd link. Follow through the screens to get a chat or telephone option.
If necessary, contact iTunes Support. Either use the form or scroll to the bottom of the page in the 2nd link. Follow through the screens to get a chat or telephone option.
It's possibly because it's a debit card, not all seem to still be accepted by iTunes. Do you have another card that you could try, preferably a debit card ?
For a card to have a chance of being accepted it needs to be registered to the same name and address (including format and spacing etc) that you have on your iTunes account, and have been issued by a bank in the country where you are (and therefore the country which is on your iTunes account).
my Apple account won’t take my debit card