Most of the Watch customers, especially above 50 years old, buy the latest Apple Watch S4 for EKG monitoring feature, I believe.
Although we understand that the app. and necessary devise (Like Kadia app. and its mobile devise for iPhone and Kardia band for Apple Watch) will be available in “Later this year 2018”, we are so much eager to know when app. (free or monthly/year subscriptio) and devise (Band or whatever), which may or may not be required, are available.
Because, I am considering to buy Kardirband (Cost $99) and subscription for Premium Service (Cost $9.99 per month or $99 per year) to monitor my heart condition by so-called high-tech Apple Watch S4 (Toral cost $873 bought on 09/17/18) as soon as possible.
If we are advised about the followings, we may wait for Apple app. and devise (band etc. or may not be required) in order to save our hard money.
1) When (expected date or month) app. and devise (whether Band is required to buy separately or not??) available.
2) Free App. ?. and how much monthly or yearly subscription fee, if it is a must.