ExFat External Hard Drive opens ReadOnly
My external hard drive (ExFat and used only on Macbook) suddenly started showing read only. Until yesterday, I could read write. I think it might have accidentally been pulled out.
a) Its a month old WD drive formatted to exFat
b) I also ran diskutil verify and found no errors.
c) When I connect to another MacBook, it shows it as ReadWrite
d) I have another hard drive (this one is ExFat too and has been exclusively used on Mac) and I had used it last week and was able to read write. Now that disk also show Read only.
e) I tried unmount (successfully) and tried mount but it failed
f) Restarted Macbook twice.
Clearly the disks are not damaged and can be opened on another macbook (RW), there must be some setting on my MAcbook that is messed up.
Any thoughts how I can fix it ?
Thank you.
MacBook Pro, macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)