What is the green dot at top of apple watch where the red dot for notifications would be?
What is the green dot at top of apple watch where the red dot for notifications would be?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
What is the green dot at top of apple watch where the red dot for notifications would be?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
Thanks, but there was no green dot in the set of displays. On my watch it appears just where the notifications red dot would be, & is the same size, just green.
Thanks, but there was no green dot in the set of displays. On my watch it appears just where the notifications red dot would be, & is the same size, just green.
Okay, I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I had suggested a phone call earlier, so it is good you know that you have verified it.
Can you create a screenshot of the watch and post it here. I cannot find any indication of something like you describe. Maybe if I see it, I can better determine it. Everything published by Apple is what I have included for you.
It appears when I’m on the phone and I receive another call, as if to remind me someone is on hold.
You will see a number of different color icon dots at the top of the Apple Watch now with the newer watchOS. See this, Status icons and symbols on Apple Watch - Apple Support
You are sure there is nothing in it, such as the Activity app? And I believe when on the phone it shows green. I'm checking now. Yes, green with a small white phone receiver in it.
Yes, Sorry. It's just a green version of the red dot that indicates notifications.
Thank you so much for your trouble! I will take a screen shot when I observe the green dot again & forward it to you.
Thank you.
Thank you for leading the way to the solution. I am grateful!
You're welcome. Enjoy your Apple Watch.
What is the green dot at top of apple watch where the red dot for notifications would be?