More than one antivirus app - This machine has multiple antivirus apps installed.
When you have one your Mac will be slow and lose capabilities. When you have more than one, anything the first one does looks like a virus attack in progress and they fight to the death while productivity stops. The correct number of these third-party scanners is Zero -- the Mac protects itself far better and at hugely lower cost than any add-on.
Configuration Files:
File /etc/sysctl.conf exists but not expected
/etc/hosts - Count: 15
sysctl.conf has been know to cause problems. It is a hold-over from long ago, but some software still pays attention to it. It should be removed.
hosts counts this high may indicate that you are using "borrowed" software that requires these changes so that it can't "phone home" properly. Don't bet your business on borrowed software.
one notification
Using a bit torrent implies that you are also sourcing chunks of your software for others to use. At best, this punishes performance. Don't run a Bit Torrent.
Antivirus apps: CleanMyMac and MalwareBytes
MalwareBytes usually gets a pass as long as it is set to passive mode,
CleanMyMac is junk, and has no place on a Mac you want to work properly. It has a reputation of guessing badly, and removing Parts of MacOS (which then requires a re-Install.
4 matches to Known adware
not signed -- needs to be removed. legitimate, up-to-date software for the Mac is signed by the Developer certificate, with few exceptions that appear in Etrecheck's WhiteList:
App Player
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Vermes.plist
Executable: /usr/local/bin/Honzo
Details: Restrictive app permissions - possibly adware
Your disk is encrypted, but you do not appear to have a Time Machine Backup. If you have another backup method to a local disk that you prefer, that is fine. If your drive loses its integrity, there is no way to "salvage" anything from an encrypted disk. ¿What is the date of your most recent backup?
You have WAY too much JUNK on your Mac, and it is running all the time. (Where "junk" in this instance is stuff that may be perfectly good, but you do not happen to need right now, like stuff in the attic.) More stuff adds a lot of complexity for very little payback. It gives your Mac more ways to fail.
Some Users have solved this by creating an add-on Budget, and doing a clean Install: Make a second Backup, erase your drive, re-Install a fresh copy of MacOS, and restore only your User files, no add-ons. Then have a budget for adding things, such as only one addition a day, unless you remove something else.