Want to print a Photo book
How can I print my photo album created in Apple Photo?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5), Apple discontinued the service.
How can I print my photo album created in Apple Photo?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5), Apple discontinued the service.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
Is this still your current system version? Then your system is incompatible with the project extensions for Photos, that you need to order books from Photos.
Your best option to get your books printed would be to export your book as a PDF file and to send it to an online print service:
(To save a PDF see: Preview a print project in Photos or iPhoto to avoid issues - Apple Support). Presto Photo can print books from the PDFs you create in Photos. But check the shipping costs to your country, before you order books from outside the US: Photo Book Printing, Color Book Printing, and Calendar Printing - PrestoPhoto
Check for local print services in your country as well.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
Is this still your current system version? Then your system is incompatible with the project extensions for Photos, that you need to order books from Photos.
Your best option to get your books printed would be to export your book as a PDF file and to send it to an online print service:
(To save a PDF see: Preview a print project in Photos or iPhoto to avoid issues - Apple Support). Presto Photo can print books from the PDFs you create in Photos. But check the shipping costs to your country, before you order books from outside the US: Photo Book Printing, Color Book Printing, and Calendar Printing - PrestoPhoto
Check for local print services in your country as well.
I discovered the same problem when I upgraded to Mojave — it's deeply disappointing and frustrating. I've looked into what seems like the two best options for printing photo books: creating books using the Mineo plugin app and exporting existing books to PDF then printing them with outside companies like PrestoPhoto. Neither are ideal options, at least for me!
Although I am profoundly upset with Apple's decision to stop offering print services I can understand it if this wasn't financially viable. However, what UPSETS me the most is that Apple has discontinued customer's ability to layout/design photo books for export to PDF and print with outside vendors. Continuing to allow customers to layout photo books cost Apple NOTHING (or near enough). I am begging Apple to re-enable this function in Photos!!!!
All current photo book layout options lack the functionality and level of sophistication that Apple's 'Photos' once offered. It has me strongly considering wiping my HD and reinstalling Sierra.
Outside the US - in Germany - I had a photo book (Hardcover, Landscape 28x22 cm, 100 pages) printed by
photographerbook.de. The even offer a decent description of how to do it: https://www.photographerbook.de/fotobuch/fotobuch-foto-app-iphoto/
And, to my surprise, I found it as good as the former Apple books (and it is less expensive). Production time was less than 5 days.
So, if you still have a High Sierra system, I advise you to keep it on an additional hard disk before you upgrade the main disk to Mojave (one never knows what is going to happen with Photos in the near future, and hard disk are really cheap nowadays).
Thank you - very much appreciated!
Want to print a Photo book