all I get with find . -flags uchg is find: ./.Trashes: Permission denied
You can't look at the .Trashes folder (directory) unless you are the superuser (root). The find command did not locate any files locked with the user immutable flag (that's the lock you apply in the Finder's Get Info window) in any other directory.
all I get with sudo find . -flags uchg is a password request, and then no response when I input my password
To expand on roam's response-
A command prefaced with sudo will run the command with root privileges. The prompt will change to password:. When you input your password nothing is printed (echoed) in the shell (Terminal app). Enter your password then press the return key.
There are other locks that can be placed on files though uncommon. You can search for all the possible locks with the following instructions.
cd /Volumes/<your
This mean change to the directory that contains the contents of the external hard drive where <your
external_hard_drivename> is the actual name of the drive. The find command can take an usually long time. It's best to limit its searches.
This command will search for all possible locks and list what locks are applied:
sudo find . -flags +arch,nodump,opaque,sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -exec /bin/ls -aol {} \;
The . after the find command tells find to search the current directory (folder) and all sub-directories. -flags +arch,nodump,opaque,sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg are the possible locks. -exec /bin/ls -aol {} \; tells the find command to list any files found in long format with what lock is applied to the file.
If the find command does not produce any output then there are no locked files on the external hard drive.