The All Too Common SAD Reality of Buying a Used iPad/iPhone

Last modified: Feb 25, 2025 3:48 PM
315 78679 Last modified Feb 25, 2025 3:48 PM

There's an old saying: If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is too good to be true. There's another saying: Buyer Beware. If you are looking to purchase a used iPad, iPhone or Apple Watch or you have already bought one, this is for you. Chances are if you're reading this you've bought a used device which is Activation Locked, fake or any combination of issues. Read below to learn why this was not a very good purchase.

Here on Apple Support Communities (ASC) we rarely see questions from people asking what to look for if they are considering the purchase of a used iOS device. Sadly however, every single day here on ASC we field questions from multiple people who already purchased a used iOS Device. They get them from many sources, such as eBay, Craigslist, OfferUp, Facebook, Pawn Shops, even charitable donation centers like Salvation Army or Goodwill Industries. I'm sure I could list more sources, but that's enough to get my point across.

People take their hard earned money and send it off to people they don't know in the hopes of getting a shiny new dream device. And what do they more often than not receive? A device which is Activation Locked, one that can't be unlocked and is literally useless. It doesn't take long for them to find their way here to the Support Communities to ask us how to use this new-to-them Activation Locked iPad or iPhone.

While I can't say all devices sold online are stolen devices, it doesn't take much hypothesis to believe they mostly are. Someone finds or swipes an iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch. They find out it's Activation Locked and there is NO WAY they can bypass the lock or use the device. So they put it up for sale on one of the above mentioned sites or they turn it over to a Goodwill Industries or Salvation Army drop off location. Or they're just really bad people, making a living by preying off unsuspecting people to sell stolen items to. This is intended to help you avoid becoming their prey.

Blacklisted Phones:

In many countries, including the US, Canada and Mexico, cellular carriers offer Blacklists for customers whose phones have been lost or stolen. This makes the phone completely unable to be activated on a cellular providers network. If you purchase an iPhone which is Blacklisted, it is highly probable the phone was lost or stolen and the owner had the phone Blacklisted. Unless you can prove you are the original buyer of the phone, providing the original purchase receipt with the device serial number, carriers will not unblock the phone from the Blacklist. Nor, can Apple Help you with this in any way.

NOTE: Did you know if you buy a phone from someone you don't know, they can then report the phone as stolen to their carrier and ask their carrier to blacklist the phone, then collect insurance, making the phone totally unusable as a phone.

Activation Locked Phones/iPads/Apple Watch:

People are completely unaware of what or how important Activation Lock is. Activation Lock is a Theft Deterrent System. The best Anti Theft Deterrent system available. One even the FBI could not bypass. Personally, I find it remarkable people do so little research before parting with their money, but then I also understand not everyone can afford a new iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch and purchasing a used one can be a way to get one for themselves they can afford.

Click this link for more information about Activation Lock: Find My iPhone Activation Lock - Apple Support

So what should the buyer do Pre or Post purchase?

Carrier Locked iPhone's/iPhones Under Mobile Device Management

Phones which were purchased on contract, are usually carrier locked. This means the phone will only operate on that carrier's network. Even if you manage to purchase a phone which is not Activation Locked, you need to know if the phone is Carrier Locked. It is important to note that ONLY the carrier can unlock a phone to be used with another carrier. Apple can't do this for you.

See this link for guidance on Carrier Locked phones: How to unlock your iPhone for use with a different carrier - Apple Support

iPhones under Mobile Device Management Software are managed by a company and have a MDM profile installed on the phone from the company. If you bought a used iPhone which is locked to MDM software, you cannot remove the MDM profile without the assistance of the company who locked the phone. If you don't know who the company is, you will never be able to use the iPhone.

Buying a Refurbished Phone/iPad/Apple Watch

OK, not everyone can afford a brand new device. So off you go to Amazon or some website and you see a really great deal on a Refurbished device of the model you want. It might be OK. But unless it comes from the Apple Refurbished Store, it is pretty much guaranteed to NOT have authentic Apple parts in it. Why does that matter? If it doesn't have an authentic Apple Battery or Apple Screen, some features, such as Face ID or True Tone, will never work. And if you have an issue with a phone refurbished by anyone other than Apple, Apple won't touch it if you need service.

If you want to save money and get a device you can trust, which will come with authentic Apple Parts and a one year warranty from Apple, here is a link to the Apple Refurbished Store --> Certified Refurbished Products - Apple

The Pre-Purchase Checklist:

  1. Don't buy any used iOS based device from an individual you don't know and can't validate the device has not had Activation Lock removed. NEVER EVER EVER EVER!
  2. If you can't see the device in person, move along.
  3. Make sure the device can accept your Apple ID so you can actually set up the device.
  4. Ask for the Original Purchase Receipt for any used device (you may truly need this in the future). The receipt should show the device serial number on it. If they don't have it or won't provide it, move along.
  5. If you can see the device in person ask the seller to turn it on for you. If it doesn't open to the Hello Page or pairing page for Apple Watch, get up and move along.
  6. Never invite someone to your home you don't know or haven't met to purchase a device from.
  7. Only meet someone in a public location where other people are, preferably at a Police Station. Many cities have local Police Stations where a safe spot for transactions like this can be made. If the seller is unwilling to meet at a Police Station, that should be red flag enough. Move on.
  8. Don't agree to meet someone in a parking lot. EVER. Recently a person trying to sell their iPhone not only didn't sell their phone, they were held up at gunpoint and their BMW hijacked. Is it really worth the risk of meeting someone you don't know, in an unsafe location where they could rob you or worse?
  9. If you are still intent on buying the used device and you have heeded all the above advice, CHECK THE DEVICE OUT carefully. Make sure the power button works. Make sure the volume and all buttons are functional. Make sure the screen responds to your touch. Make sure the device isn't bent, or dented.
  10. Ask to see the sellers ID, like a drivers license and make sure you can call them and have their email address. Validate their contact information before leaving with your new iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch
  11. Again, if it DOESN'T OPEN TO THE HELLO PAGE, OR SET UP PAGE FOR APPLE WATCH, WALK AWAY. An iPad of iPhone which has been prepared properly for a new user will ALWAYS open to the HELLO PAGE when turned on, followed by setting the language and then the set up assistant will walk you through connecting to a Wifi Network, following all the way through setting up the iPhone/iPad as your own. An Apple Watch, which has been prepare properly for a new user, will tell you to place the watch near your iPhone to start the pairing process. If it doesn't, you can't use it.

So, you didn't see this and now you've already made the unfortunate mistake of buying a used iPad/iPhone/Apple Watch and it's Activation Locked:

The Post Purchase SAD REALITIES:

  1. Without the Apple ID and Password from the previous owner, no Activation Locked iOS device can be bypassed by you. Period. Don't come here asking how. It can't be done. The FBI couldn't do it. And if they couldn't the chances of you doing it are Zero - Zip - Nadda.
  2. Do NOT call Apple or go to an Apple Store and ask them to unlock the device. Apple will NOT help you unless you have the Original Purchase Receipt with the Serial Number of the device plainly printed on it.
  3. If you can't locate (on your own, no one can help you) the previous owner of the device, understand your device is useless to you or anyone else. Only they can unlock the device.
  4. Do not try to find a 3rd party service who claims they can bypass Activation Lock. They can't. Remember, the FBI couldn't bypass Activation Lock and they most assuredly have far better technology than some little 3rd party service. Sure, they'll gladly let you pay them a fee to try. But they CANNOT BYPASS ACTIVATION LOCK. So don't throw more money away.
  5. The first thing you should try to do is return the device for refund. If you read what I wrote above however, many less than honest people sell stolen goods. There's a good chance you won't be able to reach them ever again. If you can however get your money back, that's great. Chances are you can't and you are now stuck with a completely useless device.

Your options If you can't get your money back:

  1. Understand that we can't help you and Apple will NOT HELP YOU unless you were the original buyer of the iPhone/iPad and you can provide the Original Purchase Receipt with the device Serial Number clearly printed on the receipt. There are no exceptions to this policy. NONE.
  2. Recycle the device responsibly. Apple does take used devices in for recycle, as does Best Buy. They are worthless, so you won't get any money for it, but at least it won't sit in a landfill for all eternity.
  3. You CANNOT use the purchased phone for trade with Apple unless you know the Apple ID and Password, which since you are here, you clearly do not know.
  4. Finally, if none of the above are of interest to you, useless iOS devices can be re-purposed for useful things such as a Paperweight, a Coaster or even a Unique Serving Tray.

If you become the owner of a device inherited from a deceased family member:

The following documents are usually required for Apple to provide assistance:

  • A copy of the death certificate
  • The original purchase receipt
  • A letter from the estate saying you are now the rightful owner of the device

For more information about a deceased family members device, click this link --> How to request access to a deceased family member's Apple accounts - Apple Support

The Bottom Line:

  1. ONLY Buy Apple devices from trusted sources - An Apple Store or an Apple Authorized Reseller
  2. If you can't afford a brand new iPad/iPhone/Apple Watch, Apple and many Authorized Reseller's sell refurbished devices at reduced cost. These devices are often indistinguishable from a brand new device and they come with warranties.
  3. Save your money and wait for a major holiday sale, where new devices are often discounted.
  4. Don't become a victim. You worked hard for your money. Don't take the chance of being ripped off as so many are every single day.


Aug 19, 2019 8:08 AM

Excellent article! Well stated and very informative on the available options prior to and after making a used iOS device purchase.

Aug 19, 2019 8:08 AM

Sep 12, 2019 9:01 AM

My company sells used iPhones and iPads on eBay that have had the Activation Lock removed. We mention this in the listing and guarantee that the device has no Activation Lock on it. If you should buy a device from eBay, look for this in the listing. If it doesn't guarantee this, DO NOT BUY IT! Also look at how long the seller has been with eBay and read their feedback! We have a 100% seller rating because of this and this way, we can keep our customers happy with devices they can use.

Sep 12, 2019 9:01 AM

Jan 12, 2020 10:29 AM

Extremely well written and very thorough. This will help a great amount of people. I will be sure to refer to this article when users of this forum ask about purchasing a used Apple Device. Thanks for this.

Axel F.

Jan 12, 2020 10:29 AM

Feb 26, 2020 4:40 PM

There’s an Apple limit of three iCloud account creations per device, too.

This as discussed in a few places, including here:

icloud: The maximum number of free accoun… - Apple Community

If you encounter this, you’ll get the dialog:

Cannot sign in

the maximum number of free

accounts have been activated

on this iphone

No more Apple ID free iCloud accounts can be created on this iPhone or iPad.

Feb 26, 2020 4:40 PM

Jul 29, 2020 5:02 PM

One other wrinkle that some folks have encountered with used devices: a carrier-locked iPhone.

When carrier-locked, only that carrier may be used.

No swapping of SIM cards, or selecting a different carrier in the eSIM, is permitted.

Only the carrier holding the lock can release the lock, and some carriers will only accept requests from the original owner; the person from the original cell plan.

How to unlock your iPhone for use with a different carrier - Apple Support

Jul 29, 2020 5:02 PM

Jun 23, 2021 9:21 PM

Just came across this very good User Tip but I have a question/comment. I thought that the "3 iCloud per device" pertained to the number or accounts that can be created on a device, not the number that can be used on a device. While it is true that one can only create 3 accounts on one iDevice I thought that one can use an account created on a different device (another iDevice or a Mac for instance) and use that account on the device that is limited for new account creation. This has been discussed on various ASC threads before, some old, for instance:

Also see Roger's answer here:

"If the phone has already been used to create three iCloud accounts it will never be able to create any more, no matter what you do to it. If you are going to sell it you you can sign out of the iCloud account currently on it (you must do this or the next owner will find himself locked out sooner or later), and you will need to explain to the purchaser that if he doesn't already have an iCloud account he will have to create an iCloud account on another device (iOS or Mac, not Windows or Android) and then sign into that account on the phone."

Is that correct? If it is as I suspect then I suggest editing this tip to state that the 3 limit is for "new account creation", not for "account usage".

And here is an OSXDaily article on how to get around the 3 account creation limit which as they point out is rare but can happen on devices that have been passed down or resold multiple times:

Jun 23, 2021 9:21 PM

Sep 16, 2021 2:47 PM

Wonderfully done. I wish everyone tempted to buy a used device would read this article. More please.


Sep 16, 2021 2:47 PM

Sep 15, 2022 8:39 AM

Re: “… Throughout the life of an iPhone/iPad, the device can ONLY have three iCloud accounts USED on the device … “

Is this statement still accurate?

Or is it that only three accounts can be CREATED FROM the device.

Sep 15, 2022 8:39 AM

Dec 27, 2022 7:41 PM

The 3 iCloud accounts is out of date. At least I cannot see anything that says that and its entry really calls for a link to Apple's own documentation for authentication. What I think it refers to is If you see a Could Not Create Apple ID or Could Not Set Up iCloud message - Apple Support which specifies it is an annual limit, not lifetime.

"If you see a Could Not Create Apple ID message

If you see a Could Not Create Apple ID message, it means that you have exceeded the number of new Apple IDs you can set up with iCloud on a single device in one year.

If you see a Could Not Set Up iCloud message

If you see a Could Not Set Up iCloud message, it means that you have exceeded the number of Apple IDs you can set up with iCloud on a single device in one year. "

Dec 27, 2022 7:41 PM

Jul 8, 2023 2:13 PM

I know I previously did so, but I would like to thank you for this wonderful User Tip, which is very informative, well written, and handy to provide to the unfortunate users who bought these types of devices, so they know what to look out for next time.

Also, it’s also very handy to share with users who want to buy used devices. Who knows how many people you’ve saved from losing a few hundred bucks!

Thank you! 😊

Jul 8, 2023 2:13 PM

Feb 3, 2024 11:14 AM

Snapchat device bans can persist past device reset.

Likely also other services and other bans also can persist.

There is no way to detect such a device ban, other than attempting to use the device with the service.

Feb 3, 2024 11:14 AM

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