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Security & Privacy preference pane Error Mavericks -- NOT WORKING

User uploaded filePlease Help!

I get this very worring error in Mavericks, which I just installed

Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.6GHz / 16GB Ram

Posted on Oct 23, 2013 11:30 AM

52 replies
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Oct 25, 2013 1:34 PM in response to leomore™

OK another update, apparently if he leaves the (blank) preference pane open for along time (I'll estimate 5-10 minutes maybe) then it will populate. When I went to that Applications folder, and I control - clicked the System Preferences > Get Info, It was set to open in 32-bit mode. We unchecked the box, however the problem appears to persist. Is this a setting that he'll need to restart for it take effect.


Oct 25, 2013 1:54 PM in response to nchahelp

You shouldn't need to restart for an application mode setting to take effect, but that application (System Preferences in this case) would have to be restarted.

Does the Console utility show any messages involving System Preferences when it's first launched or when the pane populates?


Oct 25, 2013 3:09 PM in response to leomore™

Please try following, open Terminal.app (located in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app). Type two commands (without qoutes) and post their output in this thead:

"defaults read com.apple.systempreferences SecurityPrefTab"

"defaults read com.apple.systempreferences com.apple.SecurityPref.Privacy.LastSourceSelected"

Then run following two commands (without qoutes) and see if it lets you open Security preference pane:

"defaults delete com.apple.systempreferences SecurityPrefTab"

"defaults delete com.apple.systempreferences com.apple.SecurityPref.Privacy.LastSourceSelected"

Message was edited by: Maxym


Oct 25, 2013 3:23 PM in response to Maxym

Nope, it still doesn't work

Last login: Fri Oct 25 23:38:48 on console

server:~ Leonardo$ defaults read com.apple.systempreferences SecurityPrefTab


server:~ Leonardo$ defaults read com.apple.systempreferences com.apple.SecurityPref.Privacy.LastSourceSelected


server:~ Leonardo$ defaults delete com.apple.systempreferences SecurityPrefTab

server:~ Leonardo$ defaults delete com.apple.systempreferences com.apple.SecurityPref.Privacy.LastSourceSelected


Oct 25, 2013 4:28 PM in response to leomore™

Please try one more thing, again open Terminal app, you need to be logged in as admin. Do following commands exactly (without qoutes) :

"sudo -s" then enter your admin password

"cd /var/db/locationd/"

"ls -al"

- make sure you have clients.plist file

"cp clients.plist clients.plist.saved"

"killall locationd && rm clients.plist && killall locationd"

"ls -al"

- make sure that clients.plist is gone, if not repeat kill… command above

Try opening Security preference pane again, if it doesn't work you may want to copy clients.plist.saved back to clients.plist:

"killall locationd && cp clients.plist.saved clients.plist && killall locationd"

Close Terminal window after you done.


Oct 27, 2013 12:58 PM in response to William-Boyd-Jr

I also seem to have the same problem and I've tried the suggestions above and still cannot access the Security & Privacy Pane.

I cannot access Internet Accounts or Notifications

Not sure which is the underlying problem but Console is full of Notificationcentreui.agent crashes:

file:///Users/dave/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/NotificationCenter_2013-10-27- 205447_Davids-iMac.crash

27/10/2013 20:55:12.626 ReportCrash[8760]: Attempting to read data: Called memoryAtAddress: 0x105b26b10, which is in an unmappable portion of [0x0 -> 0xffffffffffffffff] in PID# 8794.

27/10/2013 20:55:12.626 ReportCrash[8760]: Attempting to read data: Called memoryAtAddress: 0x105b74be0, which is in an unmappable portion of [0x0 -> 0xffffffffffffffff] in PID# 8794.

27/10/2013 20:55:12.794 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[231]: (com.apple.gamed[8794]) Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5

27/10/2013 20:55:12.794 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[231]: (com.apple.gamed) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

27/10/2013 20:55:12.919 ReportCrash[8760]: Saved crash report for gamed[8794] version ??? to /Users/dave/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/gamed_2013-10-27-205512_Davids-iMac. crash

27/10/2013 20:55:12.924 ReportCrash[8760]: Removing excessive log: file:///Users/dave/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/gamed_2013-10-27-205145_David s-iMac.crash

27/10/2013 20:55:13.639 ReportCrash[8760]: Attempting to read data: Called memoryAtAddress: 0x107865b10, which is in an unmappable portion of [0x0 -> 0xffffffffffffffff] in PID# 8795.

27/10/2013 20:55:13.639 ReportCrash[8760]: Attempting to read data: Called memoryAtAddress: 0x1078b3be0, which is in an unmappable portion of [0x0 -> 0xffffffffffffffff] in PID# 8795.

27/10/2013 20:55:13.763 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[231]: (com.apple.notificationcenterui.agent[8795]) Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5

27/10/2013 20:55:13.763 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[231]: (com.apple.notificationcenterui.agent) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds

27/10/2013 20:55:13.832 ReportCrash[8760]: Saved crash report for NotificationCenter[8795] version ??? to /Users/dave/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/NotificationCenter_2013-10-27-205513 _Davids-iMac.crash

No idea where to go from here, so any help would be very welcome.



Oct 28, 2013 2:34 PM in response to leomore™

It could be helpfull if you are willing to share content of the saved clients.plist. You can run following commands (without qoutes, type your admin password when prompted):

"sudo cp /var/db/locationd/clients.plist.saved /tmp/clients.plist"

"sudo defaults read /tmp/clients.plist"

Check output of the last command and if you are Ok with sharing it, please paste it here. It lists various applications that have used location APIs. Some meta data there is bad, leading to the error loading Security preference pane.


Oct 28, 2013 3:33 PM in response to Maxym

Thanks, here you go:


"com.apple.CalendarAgent" = {

BundleId = "com.apple.CalendarAgent";

Executable = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/Calendar Agent";

FenceTimeStopped = "402506750.287255";

Registered = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/Calendar Agent";

RequirementString = "identifier \\"com.apple.CalendarAgent\\" and anchor apple";

Whitelisted = 1;


"com.apple.Maps" = {

Authorized = 1;

BundleId = "com.apple.Maps";

BundlePath = "/Applications/Maps.app";

Executable = "/Applications/Maps.app/Contents/MacOS/Maps";

Hide = 0;

Registered = "/Applications/Maps.app/Contents/MacOS/Maps";

Requirement = "identifier \\"com.apple.Maps\\" and anchor apple";

Whitelisted = 0;


"com.apple.aosnotifyd" = {

RequirementString = "identifier \\"com.apple.aosnotifyd\\" and anchor apple";


"com.apple.autotimezone" = {

BundleId = "com.apple.autotimezone";

BundlePath = "/System/Library/PreferencePanes/DateAndTime.prefPane/Contents/Resources/TimeZo ne.prefPane/Contents/Resources/timezoned.app";

Executable = "/System/Library/PreferencePanes/DateAndTime.prefPane/Contents/Resources/TimeZo ne.prefPane/Contents/Resources/timezoned.app/Contents/MacOS/timezoned";

Hide = 0;

LocationTimeStopped = "402674376.381872";

Registered = "/System/Library/PreferencePanes/DateAndTime.prefPane/Contents/Resources/TimeZo ne.prefPane/Contents/Resources/timezoned.app/Contents/MacOS/timezoned";

Requirement = "identifier \\"com.apple.autotimezone\\" and anchor apple";

RequirementString = "identifier \\"com.apple.autotimezone\\" and anchor apple";

Whitelisted = 1;


"com.apple.locationd.executable-/usr/libexec/UserEventAgent" = {

RequirementString = "identifier \\"com.apple.UserEventAgent\\" and anchor apple";


"com.apple.reminders" = {

BundleId = "com.apple.reminders";

Executable = "/Applications/Reminders.app/Contents/MacOS/Reminders";

LocationTimeStopped = "402414122.812851";

Registered = "/Applications/Reminders.app/Contents/MacOS/Reminders";

RequirementString = "identifier \\"com.apple.reminders\\" and anchor apple";

Whitelisted = 0;




Security & Privacy preference pane Error Mavericks -- NOT WORKING

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