8221 results found.
- Is this the right way to uninstall Norton Antivirus?Hi I'm trying to uninstall Norton Antivirus from a friend's MBpro (https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/norton-mac/current/solutions/v134746139?entsrc=campaign&layout=Retail&om_em_cid=hho_email_R_TRIG_NAM_US_EXP_2012_09_OnlineN360_Day0&pvid=f-mac&q=uninstall#v98528077) 16 with BS 11.6 but after restarting it doesn't connect anymore to the internet, neither via eth, nor via wifi. Any help is appreciated. Tnx...
- How to uninstall Norton Anti-Virus SoftwareEver since I put Norton Anti-Virus Software onto my MacBook Air, my computer is so slow I can't stand it. . In addition the Norton Safe Search brings up everything except what I'm looking for. Can someone tell me how to uninstall it from my computer? I think my Apple already has a lot of safety features...
- Re: MacKeeper vs Norton Antivirus??Rosebud_4189 wrote: What is the best antivirus software for the Mac - Noticed that the last discussion on this site was back in 2011 and it seemed that back then Norton caused a lot of issues on the Mac. Is this still the case? For these kinds of hand-grenade question, I like to post a ChatGPT response As of my last update, which was in January 2022, Norton Antivirus for Mac has significantly improved its performance and compatibility with macOS. It's generally regarded as a reliable option...
- My Mac with Ventura 13.5 says I have 5 viruses. How do I know if I really have them or these popups are antivirus ads?...Tried to install Sophos Home, did not work. Some of the popups say Potential virus, others say to use McAfee or Norton. Do I need antivirus, and if so which is the best?...
- Anti virus protection on ipadIs it necessary to have extra anti-virus protection on iPad? Eg. Norton
- Norton antivirus incompatibleI have received messages that Norton Security software will be incompatible with future Apple operating systems. What anti virus do you recommend?...
- Re: ANTIVIRUS FOR MAC, This will included Norton Antivirus Sophos Av Software Intego AntiVirus McAfee, Avast AntiVirus Ad Guard, Webroot , ESET , Avira , AVG AntiVirus avira antivirus Trustee AntiVirus for Mac F-Secure Securemac Cylance Kaspersky Internet Security Read some of the posting and arrive at your own conclusions....
- Norton Anti-virus and Password ProtectionA medical company patients and customers secure information was breached. They deny out notices that everyone will recrive a year of Lifelock and Norton protection for a year. I have iMacs... do I need Norton?...
- Do I need an anti-virus on my MacBook Air?I’m a new air book owner and have heard mixed opinions on whether to add virus software such as McAfee or Norton. Seeking the group’s advice. Thanks [Re-Titled by Moderator]...
- Re: Norton Anti-virusDo not install Norton or any third party antivirus app.
- does an iphone need norton antivirus?Does an iphone need antivirus software?
- merits of norton 360 anti-virus 'protection' for air mac laptop1- i recently read a convincing-sounding (but not current) argument in this community suggesting that the use of Norton anti-virus was likely to cause more trouble than it helped....and that it should be deleted. 2- my questions are: a) is this 'Norton advice' generally accepted as 'sound' by this community? .... and still 'current'? b) if so, is there an alternative 'service' that is strongly recommended? .... &/or is there some alternative IOS 'cleaning tool' that i should be using...
- Norton 360 is a recommended antivirus for Mac pro? Or any recommendation?thanksis Norton 360 recommended as anti virus for MacBook pro? Or any recommendation?
- Norton Antivirus killed MacBook Air?I brought my 2015 MacBook Air (only bought in 2017 and used since then). I downloaded Norton in April 2021. I didn’t notice any problems with my computer until August 2021, when my computer would shut down every time it slept overnight. It started having problems turning back on and got progressively worse. Took the laptop to the Genius Bar 2x and one technician said Norton antivirus is known to cause RAM problems and for it to fail. Left the laptop there and diagnostics seem to point...
- Norton Anti virus pop upHello everyone.Can somebody please tell me how to get rid of this pop up which appears every hour and on start up. It opens in Google but heard it has to be deleted from Safari but cannot find any resets?Thanks Paul...
- sharing ms office docs does this mean i should have anti-viruson my previous mac i had ran Norton anti-virus as i connected my mac to my employer's network sharing totally ms products. I will now only share ms docs etc with friends via e-mail, as my employer does not allow connection to their network by macs. i note that on here the general opinion seems to be that anti-virus is not needed. Therefore, even though i will be sharing ms docs and running office 365 on my system, can i still get away without any anti-virus....
- How to remove viruses or malware not found by Norton or other antivirus programs?Evernote, but once Norton found a virus file amongst the Evernote files Finder? When I visit friends and share their internet (I usually do by my ethernet cable), other computers tries to log into my Macbook Pro. It is over a year since but anyway not the best feeling when that occurs. Any advice? I need to retrieve and restore my personal files, documents etcetera, so installing from scratch clean and then manually install personal files would probably take a huge amount of time....
- Mojave antivirus products??Hi I'm new to this forum but not to the Mac. Have had Macs since 1984! My Mac Pro with Mojave 10.14.6 and of course no longer upgradable had Norton Small Business antivirus but it started crashing my system. Norton told me to uninstall it which I did and no more crashes. My question is what current antivirus products will work on Mojave in 2023? I'm not necessarily looking for something free but something that can find viruses as well as protect my browsing using Safari....
- Norton AntiVirus softwareLifeLock & Norton have merged. Should Apple users consider using Norton Antivirus protection?...
- AntivirusIs there a need to install antivirus on an iPhone? I am using my Norton antivirus license on the phone. I am using its vpn, but it uses quite a deal of battery in the background. I just want to confirm if it's not superfluous....