? Best way to setup midi for more than 16 audio instruments (all AU's) ?
What's the best way to do this? It seems as though there are several ways to do it. (See below.)
I'm getting some cross-feed midi or something on a couple of the instruments, so I've obviously not got it right yet.
I've tried various things to get more than 16 independent midi streams. I've tried using these either with or without the 16 internal Logic midi channels. I've tried the following:
- virtual midi ports (each carrying 16 midi streams)
- Apple IACs (adding them in the Audio/Midi setup of the computer)
- hardware midi ports (such as a midisport 4x4)
So far, none of the my setups has solved the problem, so it's clear I'm not doing something right.
I realize that my question may be full of what sounds like an idiot's babble. Please don't take offense if I don't use just the right terminology or language. I'm just here trying to get help with a problem.
I see the forum as a great resource, and I've usually gotten good help in the past, for which I'm very grateful.
All the best,
G5 dual 2.5, 6.5 ram, second 10K hard drive internal, Mac OS X (10.4.10)