With Apple's announcement that it will no longer upgrade or support Appleworks, ....
I guess I don't understand the premise here. It's been years and years since Apple has supported AW in any reasonable way, and it's been known or at least accepted for some time that nothing further was likely to happen after 6.2.9.
The only thing that's changed is that it's no longer sold in the Apple Store. The support page (
http://www.apple.com/support/appleworks/) still exists, downloads and links are still alive from there, and of course there is still this forum and the rest of the support structure in place (knocking softly on wood).
At the end of the day, why start rushing around now to look for a replacement? If it meets your needs and will continue to do so, then you should, and should be able to, continue to use it.
In a different thread in a different forum I came across a post which stated that AW would not be usable on Leopard. If that's the case, it's come as news to me — is it some announcement that I've missed, some connection I've not made?
If so — so sad, too bad, and will just delay my transition into the new OS.