17" stand for bed or over Mackie mixer
I am looking for a stand that sits on a desk high enough to hang over a mixer as well as use while sitting in bed,
Can anyone recommend something cool that is flexible, lite, simple and cheap?
Sort of like this style http://www.discountofficesupplies.com/productCatalogWebApp/productdetail.do?deta ilId=MMMLX500&srchinterface=itemdetail&clientid=dos&ysmchn=BIZ&ysmcpn=MMMLX500&y smcrn=MMMLX500&ysmtac=CMP
MacBook Pro 17" Hi Res/ 2.4GHz/2X2GB/160HD, Macbook Black, iMac 20" C2Duos, AirTunes, BT Mouse & keys, iPod V, Nano, HP1500, LG 32" LCD