iphone shuts down after a few minutes of non-use (after 1.1.3 update)
After the update, if I do not use the iphone for a few minutes it basically goes dead and I need to power it on and it reloads the system...I tried to reinstall the update, delete all my data and start fresh...nothing has worked...I really do not know what else to do...it really seems a software issue...
Your iPhone shuts completely off or goes to sleep?
The standard troubleshooting steps in order are power the iPhone off/on, Reset, Restore and if no change after and or all, call AppleCare - (800) 694-7466.
Your iPhone shuts completely off or goes to sleep?
The standard troubleshooting steps in order are power the iPhone off/on, Reset, Restore and if no change after and or all, call AppleCare - (800) 694-7466.
I seem to have a similar problem. This morning I was charging my iPhone on my computer through the USB and when I disconnected the battery was in full green mode. After not using it for a least 5 min, it turned off completely and it rebooted. I tried it again in the afternoon and same problem.
I updated my software to the new iPhone version could that be part of the problem?
I'm having the same problem. The phone shuts down after a few minutes of non-use. I did find that if I left it plugged in to a charger all day, it did not shut down. I'll probably try and reformat it tonight. has anyone else tried yet?
Yes, it seems we are all having the same problem...I did notice that when it is connected to a charger it does not go off...I did try twice to do a system restore, the second time I chose not to restore the backup files so I lost everything, hoping that I would start with a clean installation...still it did not resolve it...I'm on the phone with Apple now...
I've just spoken to Apple Tech Support....they told me to go to an Apple Store tomorrow and show the phone to a Genius...if they can't fix it , they will replace it...good luck to you...
i am having the same problem... i turned the auto-lock off so my phone never sleeps and in return it runs my battery down even faster and calls people on accident... even more odd is that the car charger i bought from at&t has alweays worked fine until the 1.1.3 update and it all of the sudden started sayin that this accessory wasn't designed for an iphone and that i should put it in airplane mode so i wouldn't get interference... i have restored several times and nothing helps... i have been all over the net looking for a fix but finally had to call apple and they are sending me a loaner and i have to ship mine back to them for repair... should be here tomorrow (i hope)... beware there is a $30 loaner phone fee... as bad as it sounds i'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one with this problem...
Just to say I had the same problem after 1.1.4 update too. Removing the SIM card brought the phone to life, but putting it back in again made it go the same way it was. What I did was when the SIM first pops out and I get life, I held down the power button and turned the phone off. The put the SIM back and powered up the phone. I only did this 5 minutes ago but so far it's still working.
1. Turn off your iPhone by pressing at the same time power and home button (don't use the slider, keep pressing both buttons till screen collapses).
2. Wait about 30 seconds with your iPhone off.
3. Turn it back on (I had to do it with both buttons pressed).
With this method iPhone has been on without turning off by itself for about 8 hours. This morning it had turned off again, but that's much more than 20 seconds and I had synced it already, don't know if this was the reason why it turned off.