How to connect your iPhone to a Netgear Router...
THEN, after all that is set:
1. In your iPhone, go to Settings>General>About. Then, scroll down to "Wi-Fi Address". This is your MAC address. This you will need in order to authorize your phone in your Netgear page (which usually looks something like XXX.XXX.X.X (where "X" are numbers)). I already gave the addresses above.
2. Log in to you Netgear page (remember "admin" as generic username and "password" or "1234" as the generic password?. I am assuming you read the router's instructions, right?. I mean, come on, it's only a double sided page!
3. On the blue left panel of the screen that comes up after user and password entry, click on "Wireless Settings". A new page comes up.
4. Check mark both boxes and click on "Setup Access List".
5. Check mark "Turn Access control On", then click on "Add" to enter the require info needed for your phone to gain access to your network.
6. On "Device Name" I entered "iPhone". This name is irrelevant, so enter whatever name you wish, but keep it simple.
7. Now, on "Mac Address" (the single most important info here) enter the number you obtained in Step 1. Make sure you enter it with the colons (:), although I found out it can be entered without them as well and the page formats it for you 🙂.
8. Add and apply, and wait for the blue bar at the top of the screen to do its thing. It will take only a few seconds to update the network.
That's all! Connect and enjoy!
I hope this was helpful. Let me know if it worked at
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)