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Why does Apple keep spamming me?

I'm a happy Apple customer except for the fact that I can't seem to get off the marketing email list. I've gotten Apple spam on these days this year: 5/14, 7/8, 7/10, 8/26, 9/22, & 9/23. Each time I've clicked on the link in the spam and asked to be unsubscribed. The web page has always come up and told me I'm unsubscribed and then I get more spam. Is this just happening to me?

I wouldn't have posted here except THERE'S NO FREAKING WAY TO TELL APPLE ANYTHING ANY OTHER WAY User uploaded file No general email address, no phone number that isn't for support. I've sent several emails and I get no reply. If anyone at Apple can fix this, my email address is the one I've logged into this forum with. Please stop spamming me!

My next stop will be the Attorney General of my state. Let's hope he's a Windows fan with a bone to pick...


Intel iMac 20" - 2.4 GHz - 4GB, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

Posted on Sep 23, 2008 6:06 PM

26 replies

Oct 27, 2008 1:30 PM in response to Rachel R

Thanks, Rachel. I was discussing this with a colleague who asked whether it wasn't maybe my iTunes account. Since I've been asked about various accounts in this thread as well I thought I'd point out that whatever accounts I have don't really matter. The FTC's CAN-SPAM Act requires an opt-out link in the email and I quote from their site: "You must provide a return email address or another Internet-based response mechanism that allows a recipient to ask you not to send future email messages to that email address, and you must honor the requests."


Apple is not doing this regardless of whether I have zero or forty accounts. Each violation is subject to fines up $11,000, so by my count Apple is up to at least $88,000 in potential violations for myself alone, and I'm sure I could scrounge up several more before it began to tick me off. If this is actually not limited to myself but is something Apple is doing to others, it could get really expensive if the wrong attorney gets wind of it.

Oct 27, 2008 2:00 PM in response to kdonn

No argument here. My only thoughts were along the lines of whether you might have resubscribed somewhere down the road or were subscribed under multiple email addresses (both of which you ruled out) or whether you were trying to opt out the wrong address (which it seems you've also ruled out). All of those are things I see often in my own work, and all are beyond the control of the sender.

I find this especially baffling because this has never happened to me. I have occasionally signed up for Apple mailings, and my unsubscribe attempts have always been successful.

Message was edited by: Rachel R

Oct 28, 2008 3:17 AM in response to kdonn

My situation is way more annoying... I'm getting 12-30 of THE SAME welcome email EVERY DAY.

And here's the big surprise... Apple won't do anything about it. Totally infuriating. I've already unsusbscribed from everything possible (short of deleting this apple id). I've written. I've called. I've responded to surveys about my call. Nothing.


Every day, I get:

Dear ________,

Welcome to the online Apple Store. We look forward to serving you.

Your Apple ID is your current email address. Use the password you created when you set up your account online. If you forget or need to reset your password, go to: https://iforgot.apple.com/

Please keep this information handy. It's your secure key to everything the Apple Store offers, including convenient 24-hour-a-day shopping, complete order tracking and helpful product support resources.

You can also use your Apple ID at the iTunes Store, where you can buy music, videos, movies and more. In addition, your Apple ID lets you purchase photobooks and prints through iPhoto and gives you access to the AppleCare knowledge base.

To learn more about your account and to keep receiving all the latest online Apple Store news, please visit: http://store.apple.com/youraccount

Thanks for setting up your Apple ID,

The Apple Store Team

Apple respects your privacy.
Information regarding your personal information can be viewed at: http://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/

Oct 28, 2008 6:11 AM in response to 77international

You nailed it, 77. It's Apple's practice of completely stonewalling their customers that always winds up hacking everyone off. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually had everything under control so that no one had a need to tell them anything. But when a company has problems and they provide absolutely no way for anyone to resolve them, they create nothing but ill will. It's really unwise. I say this as someone who has bought Apple products and owned Apple stock for years and years. They really need to make some changes.

Nov 4, 2008 1:38 PM in response to kdonn

I'm also having the same problem. Suddenly, Apple started to spam me (can't remember the first mail, since I've deleted them). I've checked all my accounts and the news letter are all disabled. What is strange is that I'm receiving this spam in french from


and I'm registered in english and living in Europe!?

But I do remember that a long time ago I've tried to buy something for my brother that was living in Canada in that time and I did try to send it from the french Canadian site. (And it was a mess... So finally I send him the money and told him to buy it...) So I assume that something got really wrong in apple database and they now have my account in Canada partially wrong or something like that.

Maybe, one way to solve this problem is to automatically forward this kind of email to someone "important" at apple. They might eventually realize that they should do something about it if we are a lot of people in this situation and we all send them back the mail. Maybe...

Anyway, obviously it's a bug... I'll try the service line and give them **** until they fix it. At least, the extended service I pay when I buy my computer will serve something...

Dec 24, 2008 2:07 PM in response to NoBuddy

I'm having the exact same issue as kdonn. Every two weeks or so for the past six months I get a marketing message from News@insideapple.apple.com and every time I get it, I go through the process of unsubscribing and get a confirmation that I've been removed.

Two weeks later, like clockwork, I get another email. I realize that I can filter these in gmail, but like kdonn, it's the principle of a major electronics retailer failing to provide a working opt-out (and then not providing any mechanism for reporting said failure) that I find so annoying.

Feb 4, 2009 9:17 AM in response to benewing

I have the exact same problem. I'm currently trying to convince someone from Apple (iTunes support) that I'm not to dumb to:
click the newsletter link to unsubscribe ( do it everytime I get the newsletter)
check all my account settings in iTunes
go to the myinfo page and try everything possible.

I even talked to someone who works at Apple who confirmed that he get's the same mails despite having all "spam me hard" options unchecked.

Everytime I click on my myinfo page the checkbox is still checked and unchecking and saving it doesn't stick.

I wish some Apple techie who could fix up that myinfo page would finally listen/read our rants.

Blacklisting Apple is no option for me, because there are still mails I want to get from Apple, but definitely not their spammy newsletter.

Feb 25, 2009 6:20 PM in response to kdonn

Join my club. I get spammed weekly with multiple iTunes and other Apple emailings and despite every single time I click the unsubscribe button, I get more emails. I agree that its the principle of the thing that bugs me, especially for a retailer who claims to be as proactive as Apple.

I'm also experiencing program spam. Every other day it seems like a pop-up appears on my screen telling me about Safari and MobileMe downloads. I have a Windows XP Pro PC and I use iTunes, that's ALL of the Apple programming that I want. When I uncheck both and click cancel to not download it...that means I don't want it, ever. When I don't want it, I don't want to be spammed about it in such a way that disrupts anything I'm currently doing on my computer to tell me about these new things they think I should download. If I'm gaming, it'll exit the full screen game to go to my desktop to tell me about Safari and MobileMe downloads that are available.

Its almost as annoying as the new iTunes versions that seem to come out every week, and instead of giving us a small update file, they make us re-download the entire 30+ MB program each and every time.

And yet I cannot find a single outlet in which to let Apple know of the problem I'm experiencing. It is inexorably frustrating.

Mar 2, 2009 8:26 AM in response to kdonn

I understand your frustration I have had the problem for years. I make sure the stupid box is unchecked and unsubscribe all the time. I also get the stupid apple Hot News. I have always been an "Apple Person" but kinda makes you not want to buy their products. My poor friend just got an iPod (that is it just 1 iPod) I helped her set it up and make sure all the boxes were unchecked but forget it! It is like a virus you can never get rid of.

In this case (and the difficulty of asking questions on discussions) Apple just does not seem to care. I wised they realized this alos counts towards ones opinion of customer care.

If i want to buy a product I am smart enough to look it up. I do not need hundreds of commercials screaming at me.

Why does Apple keep spamming me?

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