cesartec wrote:
I think this total crap. I have a 20" iMac G5 that I bought brand new 4 years ago. Since that time I have had 1 power supply and 2 logic boards replaced, and to top it all off...both of those pieces are needing to be replaced AGAIN! The AASP told me it would cost ~$750 to replace both of them with labor. I am totally disappointed with this piece of equipment. I LOVE my 2.4GHz MBP! I cannot say it enough...I LOVE my 2.4GHz MBP! But my iMac has been a headache ever since I bought it. To me it is a Lemon. I think that Apple should look at a buy back program where they take my useless machine and give me credit toward a new one.
First question: Who paid for that power supply and two logic boards?
Second question: Did Apple pay for anything beyond the published 1-year warranty, or, if you bought Apple Care, did Apple pay for any repairs beyond it's expiration?
Third question: How long after the expiration of warranties do you think Apple should continue to cover a product? Can you think of another consumer product in the price range of a G5 that is covered for more than 4 years?
Fourth question: "useless"? You've had it for 4 years, but now it's useless? How many days of use did you get out of it?
Last question: Have you asked (not demanded) Apple for assistance directly? If not, it's worth a try. But don't rant, don't demand. State your case clearly, succinctly, and logically.