Encrypt Backup Password Problem
Advent PC, Windows Vista
Advent PC, Windows Vista
How do you "delete a profile"?
I have gone to Settings>General an don't see anything about "profile" on my iPad 3 Verizon.
Thanks man you just saved a life!
I just ran into this same thing. I've only read 2-3 pages of this post, so maybe someone mentioned this before, but all I had to do to fix it was go to iPhone -> Summary -> Backups and click the "Change Password..." button. I entered my password as the old password, and the same password + confirm as the new password. Then the backup worked. This is iTunes 11.0.2 on Snow Leopard. Good luck.
I had a similar problem and the exchange password worked. Thanks 😀
I too, came accross this problem. If your only choice is to try many passwords, I suggest doing it on the iTunes application, where you uncheck, and therefore 'remove' the encryption setting. The backup section can be found by selecting your device on the left and it will be on the 'Summary' page. If you don't see your device listed on the left of iTunes, start by selecting "View', -> "Show sidebar". If you can't see the menu, in the top right corner of iTunes, there's is a little square icon...click that and select "Show Menu Bar". (I may be stating the obvious, but neither were shown on mine, so trying to find my phone and backups was all the more frustrating during this episode.)
It will prompt you for the correct password. The only advantage to this method is that repeated attempts are quicker than entering passwords when prompted during a restore.
It seems I have entered the correct one bc iTunes started a fresh, unencrypted backup....and since it takes quite a while, I thought I would use that time to pass this on.
Good luck.
Message was edited by: t1n0
Please someone help me i need to restore my iphone and i cant because i dont remember putting a password.😕
Read the other messages in the thread you posted to and become enlightened.
Indeed, the forgotten encryption password on iTunes on my computer seems to be the password from my old Apple ID, which I have not entered manually on this computer. iTunes seems to remember the first password used.
This is something that worked for me(I own a MacBook Pro and sync my iPhone to it). I used my computer password for the account that my iTunes is on. So I am saying that the password to login to your computer account is the password I used to unlock the backup for my previous phone that I had saved. And I had not setup a password encrypted backup. I hope this works for you guys 🙂
I'm not sure why Apple is still sending me notices about this, it was a simple fix. Go to settings, General and delete any profiles. Password gone. Resolved. Thanks anyway.
That's a simple fix if the backup is encrypted by a corporate security policy.
You will keep getting notices every time someone posts to the thread until you go to the top of any page and click "Stop email notifications"
Here is why I respectfully disagree with Lawrence Finch:
1.) I have set no passwords for my device.
2.) I have no passwords that are only four digits, and never have.
3.) This began after a system update.
4.) Mine is a private device.
5.) It happened several months after my most recent sync, which I know because it took several months to raise the cash to fix my computer. (I have not synced it since fixing my computer.)
6.) It is progressive. Initially only iCloud and Messaging were greyed out. Now social media are. I discovered this when an app I use every day that connects with Facebook ceased being able to connect to Facebook.
Software can have many seemingly illogical problems. I worked in complex relational database design years ago and it was astonishing what could happen and what might be required to fix it. Here is one example: At that time, Oracle was developing modules at an insane rate and had so many that it was not practical to test every configuration. With their help, it took months to figure out how to install the modules we had in order to have the. function properly and eliminate problems such as, any postal code (or other numeric data field) that began with 809 would be rejected and the record could not be saved. Like something out of Apollo13, there was a magic order that had to be discovered through trial and error. Oracle didn't know how to do it and we worked down the street from them, so we collaborated. They later used the process WE designed to help other customers.
Your certainty suggests to me a faith in software that is under-informed.
Hi folks just thought I'd add my 2c.
I'm an IT Manager and have been using IPhones for some years now in our enterprise.
We enforce encrypted backups using a policy for all corporate users who need to access their emails.
I just had a user needing to update our enterprise app and when I went to update their Iphone I got the dreaded
Could not set the encrypted password error.
Now we record all of the encrypted backup passwords centrally so that we don't have the inconvenience of having to set up iphones from scratch every 5 minutes when a user forgets their backup password (we do this because we got fed up with it after many many attempts to crack backup passwords).
Anyway this particualar case - the user had oversnapped with the photos and run out of storage on the phone. Hence the backup would not start - it was asking for the password over and over again.
Cleaned out the photos and voila - it works as expected.
Hope this helps.
No. This does not work. Did you ever find out how to deal with this?
Hi marinayvonne,
If you were referring to my post above then yes I did deal with it.
I would add that there was some Itunes content on the phone that had corrupted and prevented the phone from backing up.
The backup would stop on the corrupt content so it was relatively easy to find it then delete it from the phone.
Once the backup was successful I was able to do the IOS upgrade and restore the phone using the password.
Good luck
Encrypt Backup Password Problem