Encrypt Backup Password Problem
Advent PC, Windows Vista
Advent PC, Windows Vista
I too had to use my Windows Admin password. Lame.
Saved my day!!!!!! made a backup yesterday, got new iphone 7+ today, couldn't access my encripted backup due to password not correct. I kept entering my itunes password, and variations of it that I KNEW were not right, got nowhere. Then read your post after reading many incorrect solutions and tried it... success!!!! entered my iphone passcode. I AM SO RELIEVED!
trying to go from a 5s to a 7, never set a password.....
tried all I could think of, nothing worked.
I even trying making a new back up to another computer but it will not let me do it with out the encryption, I can not use Icloud back up do to this option being turned off by the office. now did not have this issue going from my 4, to a 5 or to the 5s.
Just to check, this will not happen if I restore from Icloud?
I just wanted to get this done to give my 5s to my 8 year old tomorrow but guess it will have to wait.
any help out there that I missed?
I'm having the exact same problem and believe the problem stems from 'encrypt' being set as default ON when in fact, it should have been default OFF and allow us as users to decide. I too have tried every password I can find that I've ever used with Apple and nothing works. At a minimum, a user should be able to SHUT OFF encryption protection for future backups but I can't even do that which makes me question how I might EVER successfully do a restore, should that need arise.
THANK YOU!!! I tried to solve this issue over a year ago and gave up. I just jumped back into it again and searched for a solution and you got it! Its the iCloud acct password. Thx again
I haven't password for backup ituns,pleas help me
What password did you change?
I was able to sign into my icloud account at one point, however that particular password did not work to unlock my backup encryption prompt...
Fantastic! Worked first time, I was pulling out my hair trying to figure our the password!
Encrypt Backup Password Problem