Email disappears from iPhone after viewing it in outlook?
Hi, i am a rogers customer and i have a rogers email account set up on my iphone email, however, everytime i view emails in outlook, those very same emails disappear from my iphone
please help
If so, when you say the messages disappear from your iPhone after viewing the received messages with Outlook, were these messages already downloaded by the iPhone's Mail client?
yes, my rogers account is a POP account; the emails that disappear, they are emails that have been downloaded by my iphone but when they are recieved in outllok, they dissapear from my phone
thanks for the reply
I don't know how messages already downloaded by the iPhone's Mail client with a POP account can disappear after being read with another email client since the Inbox mailbox with a POP account is not kept synchronized with the server - this is not supported with a POP account.
What is your account setting with Outlook for removing messages from the server when downloaded by Outlook?
The default Outlook setting for a POP account is to delete messages from the server when they are downloaded on an Outlook account. That's why you no longer see them on the phone once they are downloaded on Outlook. This can be a problem if you check your mail from more than one computer and on your phone. I changed my Outlook accounts to an IMAP account quite a while ago for that reason when my small ISP recommended it to us if we liked to keep mail on the server. However, if you go to your Outlook account and use the help function type in something like "work with POP3 messages on multiple computers" and you will get info about changing your settings on a POP3 account to keep mail on the server. I'd recommend changing to an IMAP account if that is possible.
Here's some info from that help section:
"Note Most ISPs have a size limit on your POP3 mailbox. If you do not remove items from the server, your account will eventually exceed the amount allotted by your ISP, therefore, preventing additional messages from being received and possibly incurring additional charges. For more information, contact your ISP"
It's apparently better for the ISPs to keep the mail on the server as IMAP accounts than POP.
I should have added that I have no problem at all using my Outlook accounts on my iPhone with the IMAP accounts. Messages are available on Outlook and on my iPhone even when I have downloaded them on Outlook. The one thing I have noticed is that when I delete messages on my iPhone from my Outlook based accounts, I actually have to go back into Outlook and a folder called "trash" and purge them to get them to disappear totally from Outlook. When I delete messages while in Outlook on the computer they disappear when I purge them without going to "trash". They disappear from my inbox in Outlook when I delete them on the iPhone, but they go to "trash" in Outlook.