I installed Snow Leopard yesterday. When I came down this morning I discovered that all of my rogers.com email boxes had 4 copies of each email in each in box. The me.com mailbox did not have this issue. I put them all off-line when it appeared that copy number 5 was starting to download. The box to delete files on the server had ben reinstated for one of the rogers accounts, which had not been set in Leopard. I have used this computer since late May using Leopard without this problem. Any suggestions? I haven't yet called Apple or Rogers.
I am experiencing a similar issue. Two copies of each message addressed to my company Exchange account. After I open and read one copy, the extra one disappears when I attempt to open it. I have not yet found a work around. I am reluctant to trash my mail prefs file because that action requires that I reenter all my account information for six accounts. Deleting the mail caches and rebuilding them did not remedy the problem.
Well ... granted, premature euphoria might yield to latter day humiliation ... but ..
It is looking good on 10.6.2 so far. Admittedly it isn't even the next day yet. But I've taken the "brave" step of setting my download interval back to my preferred 15 minutes (been using 1 hour since not long after the start of this problem - survival technique, you know ... ). It's been on that setting now for several hours, and no duplicates as yet 😀
Guess I'll go and peel the foil off the champagne bottle ... 😉
Definitely not fixed in 10.6.2. Usual number of duplicates after initial startup and mail check. (And that's with 10.6.2 plus trashing the MessageUIDs thingy and excluding same from TM.)
I think you have to delete all duplicates first and see if the problem happens. By updating to 10.6.2 I don't think it takes out your existing duplicates in your mailbox. Delete existing duplicates and see if the problem comes back. Mine hasn't so far, keeping fingers crossed!
I've installed 10.6.2 but I've basically resorted to keeping my MacBook off during the week (it's a personal computer) and only using it when I'm home on the weekends, and making sure the iPhone mail application is not active as I am using it. I periodically wipe email off of my Yahoo server to avoid duplicates. I will see if not wiping the Yahoo account leads the problem to come back...
Duplicate email issues for many of our users since upgrading to Snow Leopard. Here is our configuration:
Kerio Mail Server running on OS X 10.5.8
Mac Mail Version 4.2 (1077)
Mail is configured to check the server via the Exchange connector. The duplicate email problem occurs periodically under multiple conditions:
-- user unplugs ethernet connection, moves to a conference room, connects to wireless and email starts duplicating.
-- user takes laptop home, connects to vpn, duplicate email happens. Brings it back to office, plugs in and after a period of time, the duplicate messages go away.
-- user has been logged in all morning on a Macpro, goes to a meeting, comes back wakes up computer and for a period of time some email messages duplicate (but not all of them do), clears up after a few minutes.
Each time, user checks via webmail to see if they are duplicated there, and they are not so it is not server side.
Hope this helps Apple with more information. If nothing else, just more evidence this problem is very wide spread and needs to be addresses as soon as possible.
Ah....now it works. I have three email POP accounts. I had to delete the MessageUids AlreadyDownloaded2 from all three accounts in the Library/Mail account as there was one for each. I couldn't just fix the one account for whatever reason, that alone did not do the job. Thanks for the help Ernie.
I think this is an odd bug. I'm running Tiger and MacMail 2.1.3(753.1). I have done nothing to upgrade any of that.
You'll see my threads...first it was downloading everything off the server. So I did Ernies fix of deleting the MessageUid....file. That seemed to stop the downloading.
Then I deleted all the files off the server.
Problem #2: I delete the duplicates from my inbox, then I empty the trash so they should be gone. When I go back into my inbox, they are all still there. Doesn't matter if I close Mail or not. They still return even though they should be long gone.
" Locate the file named MessageUidsAlreadyDownloaded3, quitting Mail and removing this file, and then relaunching Mail will result in a freshening of the file " - this solution worked perfectly for me!!